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(Lilly's POV) warning might contain swearing if you don't like that skip this chapter... Sorry..

I wake up and do my morning routine. Then I go downstairs and turn into the kitchen. As I'm walking in I stop as I feel freezing cold air. I walk into the kitchen and realize the back door is opened. I walk over to it and see Dan running around with the pugs. I smile and close the door watching them for a few minutes. Its sucks that its almost fall. The cold weather slowly creeping up on us. I go in the fridge and get some milk. I pour it into a glass and lean against the counter while drinking it. Once I'm done I upstairs and realize something tomorrow I get my cast off. I silently cheer in my head and glare evilly at me cast. I take out my drawing book and flip through it till I stop when I see something I didn't draw. It was a picture of Dan and I holding hands looking off into a sunset. On the bottom was signed. Dan Middleton in cursive letters. I look at it and smile. I didn't know he could draw. Or enjoyed doing it. I decide to not draw but to play MCPE on my phone. As I'm playing I hear the door slam. Loudly. Alarmed I jump. I slowly walk over to my door and open it. As I'm walking down the stairs I just see dan sitting on the couch looking seriously pissed off.

"Dan what's wrong?" I say walking over and sitting by him. He shakes his head and says "Nothing." I put my hand on his shoulder and ask "Did I do something wrong?" "No. just leave me alone." He says shaking my hand off. "What the hell did I do?" I ask my voice straining. "Just shut the hell up! Okay?! you don't need to be an annoying bitch." He says. I let a tear slip down my face you know what "FUCK YOU I DONT NEED YOU IN MY LIFE AT LEAST I DONT GO AROUND KIDNAPPING PEOPLE YOUR SUCH A DICK DAN YOU KNOW THAT?" I yell as I feel my face getting hot from anger. He stand up and says "I had to I had no ch-" I cut him off by saying "YOU SHOULD HAVE LET ME FUCKING DIE THAN SINCE YOU SEEM TO NOT CARE ABOUT ME." I yell running upstairs into my room. I slam the door but I can't lock it cause there's no damn lock. I lean against it and slowly slid down tears spilling down my face. I put my head in my knees and cry. Why does he hate me all of a sudden? What did I do? All these questions raced through my mind making my head hurt.

After 5 minutes of me sobbing I hear footsteps up the stairs. And a knock at the door. "Go away Daniel." I say through the door. "Let me in Lilly please." He says. "You hate me." I say simply. "Lilly- no i- uggh just let me in you know I don't hate you." He says. I wipe away my tears and stand up. I open it and notice he had tears rushing down his face too. I say "Why were you so mad before?" I ask. "Because I'm just having a bad day and wanted to be left alone.." He says. "But this morning you seemed happy with Ellie and Darcie.." I say. "I don't know after that my mood just changed I'm really sorry Lilly." He says. "Its Okay." I say hugging him. He wraps his arms around my waist and says "And don't you ever wish you died Okay?" He says. I nod my head yes and he says "And guess what?" "Hmm." I say. "You get your cast off tomorrow." He says with a chuckle. "I know." I say with a nod. "Good." He says. We sit there hugging for like five more minutes before we pull apart. "I love you Dan." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and says "I love you too Lilly..."

$orry for the language please forgive me *hides behind Dan*

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