I promise..

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(Lilly's POV). Prepare for the feels

I finish drawing a picture of a rose and go downstairs and see a note.

Hey lilly!,

I went out to get something! Meet me at The Cafe you always go to at 5! :) I'll be there already see ya there :)

I smile and look at my phone. The time read, 3:09. I go upstairs and pick out a outfit. Skinny jeans and a cute blouse. I go into the bathroom take a shower, gets changed, then I decide to leave my hair natural and put on some eyeliner. Its just a cafe so I'm not gonna go all out I think to myself. I go to my room and I check the time 4:30. Crap I have to hurry up. I put on some of my Nike Airs and run down the stairs and jump over the dog gate. "Bye Ellie! Bye Darcie." I yell. As I'm walking to the cafe I realize something..

To get there I have to pass my old house, which means there's a chance I'll cry. I ignore it and run till I get to the cafe. When I get there its 5:01. I walk in still sorta out of breath and look around. I find Dan sitting in a table by a window. I walk over and across from him and he smiles. "Hey." I say smiling back at him. I got you a tea he says handing me a cup with my name written on. "Thanks Dan." I say taking it and placing it in front of me. "Your welcome, Love." He says smiling. I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks and I put my face down. I feel Dan put his finger under my chin and lift my face up and he says "Don't hide your face. You're cute when you blush." Which makes me blush harder and he just chuckles and mumbles "This is why I love you." "What?" I say unsure if i heard him correctly. "Oh umm.." his face turns bright red and I chuckle and say "You're also cute when you blush." A girl about 7 walks up to us and says "Are you DanTDM?" "Why yes I am." Dan says. Can you sign my shirt she asks Dan. Sure thing he says grabbing the sharpie and signing her shirt.

"And Lilly?" She says. "Yes?" I say looking at the cute little girl in front of me. "Can you also sign my shirt?" She asks in the cutest voice. "Of coarse." I say taking the sharpie and signing it below Dan's name. "Omg thanks guys!" She says running off to her mum. "I love children." I say chuckling. "Same." Dan says taking a sip of his tea. I also take a sip of my tea and I hear Dan say "Hey umm Lilly?" "Hmm." I say putting my tea down and I look at him. Can I see your hand. Yeah sure I say handing it to him. He takes a ring and slides it onto my finger and I gasp. "Its a promise ring." He starts. A single tear goes down my face. "I promise to love you and care for you through out our lives. No matter what happens. Cause Lilly? I love you. With all my heart. And I hope you feel the same way cause I know no matter what I'll always feel that way." He finishes. I stand up and so does he and I walk over to him hugging him with all my might.

"And Dan?" I say. "Yeah?" he says hugging back. "I feel the same and I know my feelings will never change...." I say with a smile.

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