Virtues Are The Golden Buddha Within Us All

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I wrote this article a little bit ago.  Virtues are very important and what I like to do is pick a virtue that I want to cultivate and work on it.  My virtue that I would like to master this year is TRUST. 

You can pick some virtues from the list below and work on them this year. There are so many to choose from!

Thanks for reading The Self Worth Diet and please remember to vote and comment.  xoxoxo  Mara


I went to meditation services this past Sunday at the Self Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades, California. During the lecture, the monk talked about virtues. He told us a story of a clay 11 foot Buddha statue in Thailand that belonged to a poor ashram. The poor ashram had to move the statue because it couldn't afford it's current location.

When the monks lifted up the statue to move it, it fell and there was a huge crack in the clay that revealed gold underneath. The statue was in fact covered in clay and underneath was a pure gold Buddha statue. The statue is now in a museum and is worth a hell of a lot of money.

The monks point in telling this story is to say that we all have gold underneath our clay exterior and the gold within us is our virtues. A virtue is a spiritual behavior showing high moral standards. We've all got at least one virtue. See the list below to see which virtue resonates with you.

For me, I've got perseverance, creativity and humor in spades. I've got many others to lesser degrees. The monk encouraged us to pick a virtue, practice it and cultivate it. I've got a few that I'd like to cultivate so I will work on those.

What struck me most during the monk's talk was that he explained that your soul is immortal and eternal. I have to remember that when I'm stressing about my external and temporary existence like my age or weight. If we turn our focus inward towards our eternal souls and to the golden light within then we will have self worth and be much happier people.

List of Virtues

Acceptance: Embracing life on its own terms. Acceptance allows us to bend without breaking in the face of tests. To consider circumstances, especially those that can not be changed, as satisfactory.

Accountability: The willingness to take full responsibility for our choices.

Appreciation: Seeing the good in life. Freely expressing gratitude.

Assertiveness: Telling the truth about what is just, setting clear boundaries.

Awe: Reverence and wonder, deep respect for the source of life.

Beauty: A sense of wonder and reverence for the harmony, colour, and loveliness of the world. Calling on our creativity to add to the beauty in the world.

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