Oprah, She Eats Bread and Still Loses Weight!

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Enjoy this little piece I wrote just now regarding my girl, Oprah.  I still love you Oprah even though you promote Weight Watchers and still diet!

Please vote and comment.  xoxo Mara


We've all seen the annoying Oprah/Weight Watchers commercials where Oprah professes her love of bread. What she is saying is that she gets to eat what she loves (in moderation of course) while still losing weight. But honestly she shouldn't be dieting at all much less promoting a dieting company. But then again she does have a 10 percent stake in Weight Watchers.

Oprah posed with nine regular ole women for the April cover of her O Magazine to flaunt her 26 pound weight loss. In her Weight Watchers ads, Oprah talks about having "your best body and best life." What does that mean? That your best body is a thin one and your life is meaningless unless your body is at its "best?"

Oprah has more than enough money to get all the trainers and low cal chefs in the world but chose to go with Weight Watchers to lose weight, make a ton of cash off the stock options and profess her love of bread.

Don't get me wrong, I do love Oprah, especially her spiritual views but in terms of weight loss I'm not a fan. She's a serial dieter/compulsive over eater like I used to be and still thinks the solution to her eating problems is getting thin. I got news for ya, Oprah, it's an inside job and if anyone should know that, it's you.

As you know I advocate against the billion dollar dieting industry because they're dangerous and only interested in your money, not your health. I almost died from being on Jenny Craig's over processed foods.

It makes no sense to me why Oprah would be getting into bed with Weight Watchers much less going on the diet herself. All that diet does is put you on a restrictive plan but doesn't deal with the emotional issues underlying over eating.

I hate to say it but Oprah will lose weight on Weight Watchers as we all do when we go on those diets but she will gain it back when the restrictions on what she can eat get to be too much.

What Oprah should be promoting is not dieting but getting to the root of the matter which is not what we're eating but what is eating us. Sustained weight loss will not happen any other way.

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