Unwanted love

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Name: girl: "... I.. I.." Boy: "The names James, and this is lily... She dosent talk much"

Age: girl: "...,- she puts up five fingers-" boy:" she's 15 and I turned 17 two months ago

Gender: "I could show you" girl boy

Appearance: boy: "don't you have eyes look at us" girl: - looks at you with a nervioise look-, ( I'm also adding a a pair of cat ears and tail that matches her hair, also I'm adding a black caller and black leash that hangs down which hids a scare he made on her)

Personality: Girl: "..." shy, quiet, nerviouse, dosent know how to say no, eassy to take advantage of. Boy: "mm.. " out going, a bit abusive, gets mad essay, way over protective, fun, aggressive

Type: girl: -looks down ears lowered- boy: she's my Neko and me... I'm human"

Crush: girl: "..I.. - looks to James- " no one
Boy: "me of course, and I love her as well"

Likes: girl:...- not being around him- she thought-" Boy: " I like being around my girl

Dislikes: girl: "w..when... H" - she looks to him, - when he's close to me-" boy: " I hate it when people talk to my girl, if you even look at her I'll pound your head in"

Other: girl: she hats James and what he doses but she's to scared and quiet to say any thing

BackStory: She never used to be like this she used to be happy and talkative and loved every thing and every one untill one day... Her little brother died of a disease when he was 6, she her self was 12 at the time. She was depressed at this point, untill James came a year later and she be came her happy self agan but it didn't last long when she turned 13 it's really when the worst started happening. Her familly was ignoring her after her brother died and her mother mother died of depression a year later that's when she compleatly changed. James tryed to help her throw it and he did but she never whent back after that they have been to gether for two years. Lily never actually agreed to it nor did she went to be but she never spoke up, a year with in the relation ship he started drinking and was hurting her more then normal which made her oh most a mute, she could talk of she wants but she rarely does. He does things to her she never wanted but he would hit her when she didn't let him so she did. Now she lets him do any thing to her with out a word about it if she wanted him to or not, I there way she didn't have a choses.....

Scene: You see the two in the park it's dark no ones out, lily is agents a tree looking down her ears down she has a sad look. James in front of her his one hand next to her there bodys close, there talking about some thing in whispers. James looks over baring and lily, upset and nervous, you....

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