Chapter 1.

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Hello my darlings now before we start this fanfic I wanted to say that I will not accept rude comments about either Taylor or Louis.(Or anyone in general) Please be nice to people in the comments and don't leave rude remarks. Of course you have the right to point something out(like grammar) or give me some advice so I can improve as an author. I hope you will like this fanfiction as much as I do. 

- Love Maddie 

Icon made by: sparklinnights

Plot made by: My sister and me 

Written by: FearlessProdz (me)

Today was a very special day. Today was Ed's celebration party for selling over 15 million albums. I was so proud of him. I remembered when I first heard about his music over a year ago, a friend of mine had suggested me to listen to one of his songs because she thought that we would sounded good in a duet. So I listen to a couple of his songs, and that's when I decided that I wanted to collaborate with him. It took some time to convince him because he said that he didn't sing duets but in the end he agreed. When we were about to start working with the song he'd came over to visit me. We ended up writing the whole song on my trampoline and the song was named 'Everything Has Changed'. It's was about then Ed's album + started to grow it's population and with a little help from me it became in the top ten list in over 6 countries! Well he gained most of his fans by himself but after we had made it official that we were going to collaborate many of my fans or as they call themselves 'Swifties' had been searching for his music and spread it to others.

Now today he had also become on of the most well known and respected artist of our time. And because of his success he had invited me and a couple of his friends for a party. Well not really a party more like a get together. Ed is really a funny guy who is just as much as passionate to music as I am and we connected right from the start. Today he's one of my closest friends. And now my best friend is going on a tour with me in a couple of months!

I smiled to myself as I put on my clothes. I fixed my hair and put on some makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a gray sweater with white dots on and black pants. I had my hair up in a ponytail. Cute.

I heard a knock on the door and in came Selena. I had stayed in her house a few days and since the both of us had been invited to the party we decided to go there together. Selena were like a sister to me. If there was one person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with it would be no doubt about it her.

“Hey Taylor how's it going? Oh wow you look fabulous!” She said smiling at me.

“Thank you Selena, you look amazing yourself.” She wore a pink t-shirt that said 'be yourself' with white letters on it and white pants to it. She had her hair down and big earrings with hearts on it.

“Thank you.” She said. “But are you finished yet? You know we haft to buy a gift for Ed before the celebration starts 7 o'clock.” I looked at the time, 11.30 am. So we had a few hours to find Ed a gift and at the same time refresh ourselves and get prepared for the party. Great.

“Yes I'm ready, just gonna grab my bag downstairs then we can go.” We walked downstairs and packed our things and got outside. I waited for Selena to get the car out o the garage and thru the gates. Then I jumped in the car and we drove into the heart of L.A.

“Now what can we possibly buy for Ed?” Selena and I were walking through store to store to find something nice to Ed. We had been walking around for 1 h and 30 minutes with no success.

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