Chapter 4.

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Even tho Selena and I had come home in a good time yesterday I was still tired. But hey I had never been a morning person. Ever. I looked at the time 8:30 o'clock. As much as I wanted to stay here for the rest of my life I knew that I couldn't just leave Selena downstairs making breakfast to me. What friend would I be then? So I got out of bed and walked downstairs.

"Seriously Selena how can you be up so ear-?" I stopped and stood dumbstruck just looking.. Her hair was messy. All over the face and she looked like she hadn't sleep for a couple of days.

"Well someone had to go up and make breakfast." She said turning towards me. She saw my shocked face and started to giggle. "Well you don't look so beautiful yourself." What? What did she mean with that? I walked out to the hall and looked at myself in the mirror. And she was right, my hair also looked as if a tornado had passed by. I started laughing and walked back in the kitchen were Selena stood.

"Here let me help you." I help her fixing the last of the breakfast and after 10 minutes we were done. I took my plate of pancakes and sat down. I hadn't eaten it for a long time so I knew that this was going to taste good. And it did.

"So Selena did you have fun yesterday at the party? I said taking a bite of the pancake.

"Yes I had a wonderful time! It was so fun to meet everyone. Especially Ed and the boys, I just wished you had introduced me to them earlier they are so funny and down to earth." Yes she was right about that. "But you Taylor did you have fun last night?" She said smirking at me doing something funny with her eyebrows.

"Yes I did but why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy.." I said.

"Well you and Louis seemed REALLY close last night. What happened really? Because I feel like I missed something."

"What no! Nothing happened yesterday Selena. It was the first time I met him and also we sat beside each other during the dinner. So of course I spended more time with him then." She didn't look convinced.

"Really guuurl? You expect me to believe that? After the dinner you guys went away most of the evening."

"What? No we weren't, I were most of the time with you guys. Remember that Ed and I sang Everything Has Changed."

"I don't believe that. I feel like there is something you're not telling me and I intend to find out." I throw a piece of the pancake at her.

"SELENA!" I said laughing. "FOR THE LAST TIME THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON. LIKE HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE FOR ONE NIGHT?" She giggle and put her hand against her chest. I love Selena but sometimes she could be a little childlish, but hey I just threw food at her so you couldn't actually say that I were more mature then her.

"Throwing the food I made for you Taylor. I feel offended." She said trying to sound sad but ended up laughing instead.

We laughed. But I couldn't help but notice a flash in the bushes outside of the garden. I grew serious immediately and Selena seemed to notice that. She turned and looked at the same spot as I did. She sighed and stood up.

"Don't you worry it's probably just some paparazzi desperate of getting some footage for a new insane story. Like: Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez looking homeless while eating breakfast. Have they no idea of how they should be!? How society wants us to be like!" She took her empty plate and walked into the kitchen again and I followed her and put the plates into the sink. Maybe Selena was right, that it was just paparazzi. But something in me felt as if there were someone or something dangerous out there.. I couldn't put my finger on and that what's make me so curious and yet afraid. I could feel a shiver running through my body but decided to ignore it. Selena's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Tay are you ok? You didn't answer my question." I blinked a few times before answering her.

"Oh sorry Sel, I was thinking about... something." I could see that she was interested to know what but decided to put it aside.

"I was asking you if you wanted to be normal for one day?"

"Of course I want to be normal for one day without getting followed by insane journalists. Or getting judged as soon as I win an award.. or even grab a coffee with a guy. But we chose this path and along with it we have to accept the fact that we our lives never will be the way they were before. But when I see my fans I realize that no matter how much critics I will get.. I will never regret choose this path. " She nodded at me and smiled. I felt a buzz coming from my phone. I picked it up and read the message. It was from... Louis. I read the message:

Hi Taylor!

I was wondering if you wanted to go and grab a coffee?

- Louis P.s Harry gave me you're number if you're wondering.

Selena saw my chocked face. "What is it?" She said with curiosity.

"It's Louis, he asked me if I wanted to go and grab a coffee." She pointed a finger at me jumping up and down.

"HA I TOLD YOU THERE WAS SOMETHING GOING ON! But when did you give him you're number?"

"I never gave it to him. Before we got home he gave me a note with his number in it. In the message he said that he got my number by Harry. I'm surprised he still got it."

"Taylor are you that naïve? You don't just go and ask you're best friend for their ex's number if you're not interested in them." She said stamping her foot to the ground.

"Harry and I never dated, and you know that." I added.

"Yes but were the only ones who know it. The rest of the world thinks that 'Haylor' was real." She were right about that.

"But that doesn't mean that he's interested. You can't fall in love with someone you just met it's impossible."

"Yeah but enough about this, are you going to see him or what?" I thought for a second. I didn't want more trouble with the media.. but at the same time they shouldn't be the reason for me to limit my choices. Ah whatever it could be fun and since Louis is really nice guy. I tapped a message and send it to him.

"What did you say!?" She said with a hint of happiness in her voice but at the same time impatient. She grabbed the phone and read the message.

Sure! Where should we meet? - Taylor P.s Okay I got a little worried for a moment there.

"GAAAH you said yes. IIIIHHH!"

I laughed. "Calm down Selena. It's not like it means anything."

"Whatever makes you happy Tay. Whatever makes you happy." She said walking/jumping out of the room. What was with her today? I smiled, another buzz from the phone. I look at it.

Louis :

Cool! Can we meet up at Starbucks 12 o'clock?




Great! See you soon!


See you soon!

I send away the last message and got upstairs to make myself ready for the meet up. I got into the shower and later on put on some clothes and some makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a black shirt with red dots on it. Along with red pants and red lipstick. Because I love red it's one of my favorite colors of all time. I got my bag and went downstairs. I said goodbye to Selena and grabbed the keys to my car and then drove away to Starbucks.

Hello my darlings! Yes I'm finally done with chapter 4! I am so SOOO sorry for not updating for weeks! But I have a good reason for it. I dropped my computer (I know I am a clumsy cow haha. :'D) and now I can't log in. I don't know if the hard drive is destroyed or not. And I hope it's not because if so then you can say that all my videos, fanfics, pictures and episodes are gone. And that would make me really depressed.(If I even can get more depressed than I already am..). So now I am borrowing my dad's old computer. But anyway I hope you guys like this chapter and leave a like and comment for the awesome Selena please. Haha. ;)

- Love Maddie.

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