Chapter 17.

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This may contain scary scenes, I am very sorry if you feel uncomfortable with that but you can just skip that part. – Love Maddie 

I was in the middle of a crowd in an underground station, trains coming and going for each passing minute and people walking past me and sometimes into me. How did I get here? Why am I here? I asked myself as I slowly followed the massive crowd forward. I had this feeling telling me that something was off about this but I couldn’t understand what it was or why it grew stronger for every step I took. But I just knew that it didn’t feel right. It took me a while before I noticed that everyone had stopped talking, and most of all stopped walking. For a couple of seconds they just stood there looking out in space, neither did they blink or breath which made me more confused and scared at the same time. And right before I was going to push myself out of the crowd, the lights turned off and everything went black. Then I heard people screaming, it wasn’t just one or two… no it sounded like more than hundred women and men cry out in terror. I felt myself freeze right in my spot, covering my ears to mute the screams as I close my eyes to push away whatever pictures that would appear in front of me if the lights would come back. And then they just stopped, it was like nothing had happened. I slowly opened my eyes only to see blood on the floor with an increasing heartbeat I looked up to see a person standing in the shadows. I couldn’t see the persons face it was hidden behind the hood and the long blond hair. But as I looked I saw that blood was splattered on the clothes and hands covered in red. That person must have killed all those innocent people.  I tried to take a step backward but then the killer started to speak.

“Don’t go my queen, not yet.” The voice was deep and hoarse, it made me shiver in fear as the killer started to slowly walk to me. “Can’t we play a game? I would like to play hide and seek. Wouldn’t that be fun?” I stood there silent for a moment but as the killer came closer I started walking backwards.

“Who are you? What do you want from me?” I almost asked trying to avoid showing any emotions at all. The killer stopped walking towards me and for a moment just stood there not saying a word, but suddenly started to chuckle.

“You know who I am. But it doesn’t matter, I feel like playing a game so we could do like this.. I count down from 20 and you hide yourself while I try to find you. Does that sound good?”

“You didn’t ans-“ I was interrupted by the stranger.


I started running away from the person trying my best to find an exit with no such luck. Why wasn’t there any exit doors?! They shouldn’t be that far away! I knew that I needed to get out of here as fast as I could, or at least trying to find anyone in this place but I feared that I wouldn’t succeed after I saw what had happened back there.

“10…9…8… hurry up now princess…”

Panic rose in me as I desperately tried to find any door, please let me find one before it’s too late!

“7… 6… 5…”

And then I saw a public toilet into the ladies room. I ran in there and closed the door, I hastily walked into one of the toilets and locked the door.


“I’m coming for you!” I sat down and tried to steady my heavy breathing. For a couple of seconds there was no sound of footsteps or anyone coming closer my hiding spot. There was only silence, not that kind of silence that usually calmed me down whenever I felt stressed but this one felt different, it was uncomfortable. Moments passed and nothing happened, maybe I just imagined that… maybe there never was anyone standing there. NO! I couldn’t let my guard down now, there sure as hell were someone there. I’ll just haft to wait here…but for how long. I wouldn’t know. But just to my horror I started hearing a thrumming sound coming closer and closer.

“You are surprisingly good at this precious, I’m surprised. But no matter how good you are I will find you..” A click was heard from the door and I hastily put my feet on the toilet seat to avoid getting discovered. Light steps came closer my hiding spot. I barley breathed, trying to stop myself from shaking but with no such luck. It felt as if something had an iron grip around my heart, I couldn’t control my body movements anymore I was paralyzed with terror and for the first time I really felt like dying.

“Come ooout come ooout wherever you aaaare.” By the sound of it I could hear the killer opening the other doors to see if I was sitting there. And every time a door was opened the person was coming closer and closer to my hiding spot. When the person finally stood outside my door and tried to open it with no such luck I heard a chuckle.

I found you precious.” Then there was a loud bang, the killer tried to break down the door in order to come in. The banging continued repetitively an every time you could hear a crack from the door. This was it, I would never get out of this situation alive. Tears flowed down my face now and I started crying uncontrollably. I closed my eyes isolating myself from what was really going on and then what I had wished would never happened did, the door was no longer keeping me safe from the killer standing in front of me. I never opened my eyes but I knew that the door had been broken down. I felt hand gripping my shoulders and in my last moments I screamed as hard as I could.


I bolted up from my sleeping position screaming, with wet cheeks and a shaking body I sat there in silence looking around in the room to see if there were anybody presence. The door suddenly opened and in came Louis with a worried expression on his face followed with the rest of the boys. I looked away ashamed of them witness me in such vulnerable state.

“Taylor..” Louis whispered to me, I opened my eyes to see him walking closer to me, the others had left and now there was only the two of us. His pained and concerned look made me cry even harder.

“I-it wa-was a n-nightmare.” I forced out in between all the sobbing. “I-I’ve never felt s-so scared in my whole life as I do now Lou.” He put his arms around me and pulled me into his warm embrace.

“Sssh it was just a nightmare Tay.. I’m here for you, the stalker isn’t here...  nothing will ever happen to you I promise.” He said quietly, we sat like this for a couple of minutes and after awhile I felt myself calm down. Being close to Louis always made me feel safe no matter how scared I was. He slowly let me go and dried away the last tears that were on my face. “Do you want me to stay here?” He asked. I nodded and made some space for him. He got into the bed and put his arms around making me. And for the first time in a very long time I felt safe.


Hello my darlings! OH MY GOD I FINALLY WERE ABLE TO UPDATE AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME *SHEEERS*. I’m just really happy right now that I was able to finish it! I had a huuuuge writers block so that’s why it took so long for me to get this chapter done.. but I hope you’ll like it anyway. :D

-         Love Maddie  

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