Chapter 19.

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Day 2:

'It's funny how you think that I won't find you my queen, I'm still looking though but it won't take long until I'll find you. Just remember what I said yesterday before you make any stupid decisions.'

Day 3:

'You will really drag this on my lady? It's ok, I find this as a sort of entertainment so don't worry I'm not angry... yet. But just so you know that I'm getting closer and closer every day... every second.

Day 4:

'I'm disappointed in you Taylor, you haven't showed up yet. I thought that you would come to me faster than this. Oh! Maybe it's because you love to play so much. That's lovely my queen I can't wait until I find you, we're going to have so much fun together.'

Day 5:

'It's funny how you think you are so safe around that slug. I'll make him regret that he'd ever laid his eyes on you. It's okay Taylor I will save you as soon as I'll find you... Oh wait... I already have.'

I showed the messages to Lou and the rest of the gang along with Bob and Policeman Gerard Andersson. I took a deep and steady breath before I walked over to my room. I know I tried to stay calm and not to show any fear to the others but inside I was a hurricane of mixed feelings. For the past days I had gotten many messages from the stalker and it had not only been tiring for me but for all of us. I could see signs of dark circles under our eyes and there was not much energy left even though we had been staying at this house all the time. These past days a tension had been rising in the air and right now it's was worse than ever. I hated to put the others in this situation but what more could I do? No matter how much I had tried to convince them to go home back to England, they would just disagree and say that they wouldn't leave me like this. A part of me used to feel relieved when they said it... but now it's makes me terrified. Terrified of that the stalker would do to them if they got in the way. It was not an option. I refused to get the boys in trouble for my sake.

"This is insane! It seems like we can never get away no matter how hard we try!" Louis shouted in anger, the sound of a chair falling to the ground echoed through the house. I hastily walked out to the living room again to see a chair two meters away from Lou who's looking out of the window with pure hate in his eyes.

"Louis you need to stay calm. I know that this is a hard situation but we can't lose it now." Liam calmly said. Louis turned around and shook his head.

"Liam this is something that can get really hurt. This situation is not only causing trouble on just her, it's also on everyone she loves and holds dear! ALSO HOW LONG DO YOU THINK THIS WILL GO ON?! DAYS? WEEKS? YEARS?!" He shouted, Lou walked around in the room in circles. "You want to know why I fucking hate this? Because it's hurting Taylor so much, not only physically but also mentally, I don't want you Taylor to be dealing with this kind of situation. In fact I want you to go out and have fun with your friends. Not hiding in some house far away from town!" Now he looked at me, his eyes were now no longer angry... they were terrified and devastated and it killed me to see him like this and not in his usual happy self.

"Lou... it's just like Liam said we need to stay calm even if we are afraid, because if we keep bursting out like this all the time then we aren't going to get nowhere." I walked to Louis and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around mine fast and we stayed like this for a couple of minutes. In the background I could hear Niall, Harry, Zayn and the rest talked with Policeman Andersson about what's going to happen now. But my focus was on Louis, it was like everything around us disappeared and it was just him and I alone.

"I can't lose you Taylor... I just can't." He admitted while I felt my shoulder get wet from the tears he shed. Feeling his devastation made me teary as well.

Haunted (Louis Tomlinson and Taylor Swift Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum