Chapter 20.

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Warning: Swearing will appear in this chapter! I recommend everyone who feel uncomfortable with it to either skip this chapter.( Don’t worry I will tell you what happened in this chapter.) Or you can comtinue reading it but I just wanted you to know that before you start reading. – Love Maddie

After Harry, I and Zayn went back to my house we tried our best to calm down but to no use, because everyone of us who sat in the living room were horrified and scared for what was happening with Lou right now. The bodyguards called Policeman Andersson as soon as they found out about the kidnapping. And he sent out a patrol that would search for him and hopefully they wouldn’t come that far. In that moment when I stood in the living room with people running out and inside the room I had never felt so alone in my entire life. It didn’t matter how many tried to comfort me saying that they would find Louis I could still not shake off that feeling inside of me, was it emptiness? Despair? Hopelessness? Or was it a combination of them all? No matter it was I knew that I couldn’t stand being in here with everyone any longer. I needed to get away. Hastily I walked to the stairs not caring if there were people behind me calling my name and ran all the way to my room. I opened the door and closed it while it gave out a loud slam.                                                                                                                          At first I just stood there, complete numb and all I could do was to look around in the room. Tears began to fall from my face and legs weakened. I just wanted to disappear. To forget that all of this had just happened, I wished that I would wake up at any moment and hear the boys running into my room dragging me out of bed as Louis came and showed me that sweet smile of his and gave me a kiss on the lips. Oh but I knew no matter how much I wanted to that it was not the case. Because this was reality, and there was no way that I could run away from it.

Louis, was the only person I could think about right now.  Louis had been kidnapped and it was my fault. Where could he possibly be? What is the stalker doing to him? Oh god please don’t let anything happen to him! I walked over to the bed and lay down onto it with my face in the pillows. I heard a knock on my door and the voice that was from the other side of it was Zayn. I didn’t have the energy to answer him, but he knew that I was in here. I turned around so I could see when he walked into the room and slowly closed the door.

“Taylor?” Zayn sat down on the bed facing me. He was just as worried as I was, I saw it in his eyes, that he wanted Louis back just as much as I wanted him too.

“It’s all my fault Zayn.” I whispered. “If I had just done as the stalker wanted to none of this would have happened. I didn’t want to bring any of you into this but no matter what I did…” Then I started to think about his family, oh no if they found out that Louis had been kidnapped! What should I do?! I felt a panic rose in me as I started to hyperventilate. Zayn put his hands on both of my shoulders shaking me.

“Taylor calm down. None of this is your fault, do you hear me? What were you supposed to do in this situation anyway? It’s impossible to predict things. It doesn’t matter how it turned out. Louis is kidnapped I know and you know it, there’s no use to ignore it because it won’t get us anywhere. Policeman Andersson have sent out patrols in the city so that’s a start. But otherwise there’s nothing we can do. We are musicians not detectives, we don’t know how they work so what use would we be anyway.”

“But Zayn we can’t just sit here and do nothing!” I pleaded tears still falling from my face. “There’s got to be something we can do.”

“Right now Taylor I think it would be the best if we wait out and see if the patrol find any clues of where he could be.” I knew that he was right, but it hurt so much to know that you can’t do anything, to feel hopeless. I feeling of Zayn’s arms wrapped around me snapped me back into reality. I could hear him mumble something that I didn’t catch up with.

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