Chapter 21.

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Taylor’s POV:

I had barely slept after Louis had gotten kidnapped. I’d fell asleep and after 30 minutes or so woken up, doing that on repeat over and over again for the past 4 hours. When the time was 4:30 am I had given up. There was no use continuing like this if I wouldn’t feel rested at all. I didn’t know exactly why I woke up so hastily since I didn’t have any nightmares but I was 100% sure that it was something to do with the kidnapping. Right now I just laid there in bed looking up at the ceiling in an almost pitch dark room. It was so quiet, not a single voice of any person could be heard. Not even from any birds that usually sat outside my window.  It was like everything had disappeared leaving me in my loneliness, so peaceful but yet so terrifying.                         I couldn’t stay like this forever, I had to somehow find a way to get back Louis and fix this problem once and for all. But how? It wasn’t like I’d gotten any clues or so. I didn’t even get to witness when he disappeared, so I don’t know if the used a car or so and if that’s true who knows how far away they could’ve gone by now. Maybe they could be in another city by now or even worse another state! I shook my head trying to stay positive.

“Come on Taylor they couldn’t have gotten that far I mean it was only 5 and a half hours since he found out about the disappearance.” I said to myself standing up and changing clothes from my blue pajamas to a pair of white jeans along with a red t-shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and forced a smile on my pale face. “You can do this Taylor.” I told myself still looking into the person in the mirror who felt more like a stranger. For a couple of seconds I just stood there not moving a muscle. 5 and half hours… how much could I try to fool myself? Of course they could be in another state by now. I needed to stop putting up imaginations and just face reality. But how could it be reality when I didn’t even knew where they’d gone? So many questions that I didn’t know the answer to, ugh it was killing me! A knock on the door snapped me back into reality and when the door opened I saw Niall stand there. He looked just as tired as I was, I could tell that by the dark circles under his eyes that made a big contrast to his usually pale face. He gave me a weak smile before speaking.

“Couldn’t sleep either?” He asked me.

“Nope, just kept waking up and fallen asleep over and over again. Felt like it was time to go up and do something useful instead of laying in here.” I simply said, he came into the room and sat down on a chair beside me.

“Yeah I know what that feels like, I couldn’t sleep at all no matter how much I tried. I just kept thinking about Louis all night wondering where he could possibly be right now. And if something awful has happened to him…” He said before taking a moment to collect himself. “He’s one of my best friends and I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

“Me too Niall, me too.” I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked over to me. There was a moment of silence before I spoke up.

“I promise you that we are going to find him.” I said quite surprised that my voice sounded so firm and collected. “We will find a way.” After I said it a wave of confidence took over and I knew that we would find a way to save Louis but that it would take some time.

“You’re right.” He said as a confident smile formed on his face. He stood up and then took my hand. “Come on we haft to eat breakfast sometime. And I’m starving.” He said while he dragged me out of the room. We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where we met the rest, while I made a sandwich with cheese on Policeman Andersson approached us along with my bodyguards.

“There’s something we wanted you to see Ms Swift. Mr Malik and Mr Styles here showed me some letters that they’d received yesterday and I think it is the right thing to show you them.” Harry and Zayn went to get a big brown box and put it on the table so everyone could see. I opened it with a confused face.

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