Chapter 6

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I know I usually write setting and characters, but how about I just start with the story because Druna is getting real! And just letting you know that in this story, it is now near Halloween. Even though I haven't been writing long and they should still be in the summer, I am not going to write about EVERY DAY! So yeah, near Halloween.

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           We've seen Luna Lovegood for who she is- a hero. Some might even say she did the impossible, but can you be surprised seeing as she believes in the impossible? Luna Lovegood has shown compassion, and I've always expected great things from her. Let's see how she behaves today. Maybe Draco Malfoy will see her and change his ways.

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          Luna Lovegood sits down with Hermione and Ginny with a smile on her face, despite her puffy red eyes.  "Is something bothering you?" Hermione asks. "No, I'm happy." Luna tells her with a grin. "Have you been crying, Luna?" Ginny asks. "Yes, but I'm happy now." Luna replies.  Food appears at the table, and they all begin to eat. Ginny stops eating and says, "Malfoy's coming– brace yourselves." Luna looks up and sees the Draco and Pansy are walking towards them. Hermione can tell that Draco looks pleased about something, and she immediately assumes he has a joke planned for them. He  walks by their table without a glance while Pansy stares at him, mouth open as if about to protest.

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         "Attention!" McGonagall calls. Heads snap at the sound of her voice, "In honor of Halloween, we will be having a masquerade ball along with our traditional feast. Classes will be cancelled today in honor of this day. Third years and up may go to Hogsmeade, first and second years please get your dress robes ready and you may spend the day in the library or your common room." People begin talking at once. First and second years were complaining about having to stay inside the castle, and everyone else was planning their day away. "We won't have any dates." Ginny points out. "I wish Ron and Harry were here. We won't have dates for any of the dances this year!" "Nobody will ask me either." Luna adds, "I don't mind very much." "I bet you could get in a dance with Neville." Ginny tells her with a wink.  "I don't like him like that! Plus, dance with a teacher? That's kind of inappropriate." "It looks like Malfoy is plotting something. He keeps looking over here with a grin." Hermione says in disgust. Hermione and Ginny do not catch the fact that Luna is staring at her lap, avoiding their eyes.

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"Draco," Pansy snaps, "quit smiling and listen to me!" Draco continues to ignore her. "Draco, I was asking if you wanted to go to the ba–" Pansy stops "–Who are you looking at?" "Wh-what?" Draco asks, blinking. "Never mind. You're acting a bit strange today; are you sure you aren't coming down with something?" "No, I'm good– great even." Draco assures her. "If you say so. Well, are we going to the–?" she begins. Draco cuts her off by standing up, "I've really got to get going, Pansy. Catch up later?" "Sure."

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"So, we are going to Hogsmeade together to find dresses, right?" Ginny asks. "Yeah, let's go!"

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"This one's cute, don't you think?" Ginny asks. "Yeah, it'll look nice on you." Luna replies. "Not me, silly. It's for you!" "You think it would look nice on me?" The dress was short, white with a black floral design down one side, and a black belt. "Should I try it on?" Hermione nods. When Luna comes out of the changing room, she looks gorgeous. "I really like it." Luna says with a twirl. "It looks amazing on you! Nobody will be able to take their eyes off you!" "And I'll do your hair and make-up." Ginny tells her with a grin. "You guys are so nice to me." Luna replies happily, "Now let's find your dresses!"

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Ginny found one soon later. It was low-cut and quite short. When she comes out of the changing room Hermione says, "Ginny Weasley, do you see how much skin you are showing? I wonder how you would have dressed if Harry was going to be here!" "Just highlighting some of my more attractive features." Ginny replies with a sly grin. "Hermione, it's your turn to find a dress!" Luna says excitedly. Hermione searches until her eyes find a light pink dress, ending a few inches above the kneecap. When she tries it on, the sleeves are her favorite part. They end just above the elbow, giving the dress a more modest look. They bought the dresses and were walking down the street when Hermione stopped. "Was that Ron?" she asks. "Where?" She looks back to the spot, but he isn't there. "I don't see him anymore, never mind". Hermione was positive she had seen him. The girls went back to Hogwarts and to their dormitories.

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"I bought my dress, Draco." Pansy coos, "So, is there anything you'd like to ask me?" But Draco was ignoring her again, fiddling with his fingers and occasionally running his hand through his hair. "Draco!" Pansy says loudly. "What?" "You're acting weird again." "Am I?" "Yes, you're ignoring me, and you seem to be forgetting things." Pansy tells him. "Like what?" He questions. "Well, you haven't asked me to the-." "Actually, I do feel kind of off. I think I'm going to take a walk and see if it clears up." Draco interrupts. "I could go with you." Pansy offers quickly. "No thanks; I think I need some time alone." Pansy looks upset, "Well, alrighty then. See you soon and we'll talk about color coordination for the-." But Draco had already left.

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Draco is walking when he sees Luna sitting by the lake. He goes to join her. "Luna!" He calls out. "Hello, Draco." She replies. "You looked upset this morning." He tells her, sitting down beside her. "Just thinking." "About?" "Things." "I was thinking about things too." "What things?" "You first." "What?" "You tell me, and I'll tell you." "I was just thinking about something the peeves said." Luna whispers, scooting away. "About your mum?" She nods, tears swelling up in her eyes. "You want to talk about it?" Draco asks. "It's fine. I just didn't like how they were talking about her as if she were a bad person– as if she were me." Draco puts his arm around her, "But you aren't a bad person. Anyone as amazing as you must have come from someone at least as great! Don't let the peeves bother you. Anyone who talks in rhymes would do best being a comedian." "I heard what they were saying to you." Luna whispers. "Yeah?" "Did you let it bother you?" "I did. They torment me everyday in the halls when I'm on my way to class. I can only use the Bloody Baron trick so many times before they catch on." Draco says. "What things were you thinking about?" Luna asks. "The ball. I'm just confused because I keep thinking about how much I would love to go with the one person who really gets me." "Pansy? It's obvious she fancies you". "Luna, will you be my date to the ball?"

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