Chapter 28

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          "You lied to me", Hermione yells angrily! She had gone to George's shop to buy Ron a gift, to find that Ron had been working there since before she graduated from Hogwarts. "Hermione, let me explain", Ron says desperately. "I don't need your explanation! This whole situation is quite simple! You lied to me", Hermione snaps! "But-", Ron protests. She turns around and slams the door, tears in her eyes.

*                     *                     *                     *

             "Let him explain", Ginny advises. "I'm not dealing with him tonight. Frankly, I am getting tired of the secrets", Hermione sighs sadly. "Just hear him out", Ginny tells her. "Let me sleep on it, I'll worry about this tomorrow", Hermione says with a frown.

*                     *                     *                     *

            She locks the door to her room and uses protective spells to keep him out. Hermione collapses on her bed in tears.  When she collects herself, she pulls out a piece of parchment and sits in her desk.

'Dear Mum and Dad,
      Do you mind if I stay with you both for some time? Ron and I are at a rough patch and I need to get away for a while.
                     Your Daughter,
                         Hermione G.'

She sends off her letter and awaits the reply, soon giving up when she realizes that it is getting late.

*                     *                     *                     *

            Hermione wakes up with a headache and sees that her parents have responded.

'Dear Hermione,
     Feel free to visit whenever you need. You don't even need to ask! I'm sorry to here about you and Ron, but I'm sure things will work out. I really think he's the one.
                          Mum and Dad'

*                     *                     *                     *

            Hermione leaves everyone a quick note on her door reading, 'Staying away for a while. Hopefully, be back soon'. She packs up her clothes and apparates.

*                     *                     *                     *

          "Tell me exactly what happened", her mum rushes, the second Hermione walks in the door. They sit down. "Well, he lied to me! I went to get him a gift from his brother's joke shop and apparently he's been working there for months, almost a year! And he lead me to believe that he was training to become an Auror", Hermione explains angrily!  "What did he say about it", her mum questions with a frown?  "Nothing! I wasn't going to listen to him make up some lame excuse as to why he lied to me", Hermione snaps.  "There are always two sides of the matter, 'Mione. I thought we had taught you that much. You need to listen to Ron, then decide whether you are going to forgive him or not". Hermione sighs and frowns, "I just can't deal with people lying to me for their convenience, then expecting me to listen to them talk, as if I actually care what they have to say".  "Maybe you would care what he had to say if you actually knew what he was saying", her mum reasons. "I'm so confused", Hermione sighs, going to her old room.

* * * *

Pictures still hang up of her and Ron, making her tear up. She plops down on her bed with a frown and notices an owl flying at her window.

You didn't have to leave, you know. He feels really bad about everything and hasn't left his room since he found out you had left. Please come back, or at least respond. Just let him explain himself.
Ginny P.'

* * * *

'I'm sorry, Gin, but I need some time to sort out my mind. I am rather upset with Ronald at the moment. He can write to me if he really cares.

* * * *

There is a knock on the door and Mrs. Granger calls Hermione downstairs. Ron. "What are you doing here", Hermione asks evenly? "Please let me explain", Ron begs. "You have a minute, go". He hesitates, "Well, I didn't actually expect you to respond that way. Um...George was really down you know, talking about shutting down the shop. So I offered to help him out. He needed it! Plus, I actually make some money their. At training, I didn't earn money", Ron says. "You could have told me. You didn't have to lie", Hermione replies cooly. "I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how you would react-". "Surely you didn't believe I would hate you for helping out family! No! I'm upset that you felt the need to lie about it. Why don't you trust me", Hermione asks angrily?  "This is hardly an issue about trust", Rob replies!  "That is exactly what this is about and you know it", Hermione whispers, voice cracking.  "I love you. Hermione, I did this because I love you and I know it seems bad right now, but in years to come we will be laughing about all of this", Ron says quietly.  "How can you say that? How can you tell me that you love me when you obviously don't? I thought you cared about me, then you lie to me"!  Ron looks like he was just slapped in the face, "I-I...I you, Hermione. I know the reasons I've given you are lame, and I know that I've lied to you, but I am not lying when I tell you that I love you. I would never tell you that if I didn't actually believe it. Please...'Mione, please. I'm not trying to be a bad boyfriend, and I swear I never meant to hurt you". Hermione looks away, "More like you never meant for me to find out". "I was going to tell you....after-". "After what", she asks? "I...I'm sorry. But I-I can't tell you", he stammers. "You see, it's all of these secrets that you are keeping from me! You love me when it's convenient for you"!  "Hermione-...this isn't how I wanted to do this, but-", Ron begins, fiddling with his fingers. "No! Ronald, please. Just give me some time, that's all I am asking. During this time, think about whether you are ready to be completely honest with me or if you would rather me just leave your life", Hermione whispers, tears in her eyes. She turns around and goes back to her room.

*                     *                     *                     *

          The tears spill from her eyes and she opens the locket. 'It looks as if he loves me', she thinks in confusion. 'What changed'?

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