The Night Club

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Picture of Hailey

Hailey's POV

"Come on Hailey! Just one night?" Said my friend Emily.

"No! I have homework and I have to apply to get into Standford by tomorrow morning. So the answer is no." I said. Gosh sometimes I wonder why I am even friends with Emily. She can be such a baby when it comes to things. Oh I almost forgot! My name is Hailey Blossom and I am a senior at Hollywood High School. I have two older brothers who are the sweetest people you could ever meet. Anyway back to Emily and I. Emily is trying to make me go to Manhattan to see her grandmother, but I know the real reason.

"Hailey if you say yes, I will never ask you for anything else, ever again."

"If I say yes, then will you please promise to not go off wandering around the club?" I said in my motherly talk. She nodded her yes. Now all I had to do was convince my parents to let me go.

We finally landed in Manhattan and let me just say, it is beautiful. I told my parents that we were going to Emily's grandmother's house for the weekend and at first, they were a little bit suspicious about it, but finally caved in. Yeah the reason why we were there was because there was this new club that allowed teenagers 17 and up to have fun and get loose (if you know what I mean). The owner of the club was a young and powerful man, but the one person I think is the most powerful person is Mr. Shawn White. He was the youngest, most powerful person ever to live. Oh and did I mention he was the leader of the most powerful mafia gang in the world. So yeah, but he was a complete dick and I hope that I will never meet him.

After settling in, Emily and I got ready. She told me to wear something that was sexy, but not too sexy.

"OMG! YOU HOT AS HELL!" Emily said while checking me out.

I blushed and told her thanks. We said goodbye to her grandmother, who by the way totally supported us in going to this night club. After about a thirty minute drive, we were finally there and boy was it crowded! When we walked inside, we saw people grinding on each other and making out. As we were watching, Temperature by Sean Paul was playing and I had to dance to this.

"Hey! Let's go and dance!" I said as I pulled Emily onto the dance floor.

We started dancing and as we were dancing, I could feel all eyes on us and they were cheering us on. So Emily and I just continued dancing, until a tall man in an all black suit came to approach us.

"Well hello there ladies." He said.

I just stood there, while Emily talked. As she was talking, the mysterious guy kept on looking at me, like I was some prey. I got a little bit uncomfortable, so I told Emily I wanted to go home and she agreed; but as we were walking the guy told us that we couldn't leave and I just looked at him like he was crazy.

"Um sorry to burst your bubble, but we can leave if we want." I said, trying to act all tuff, but failed. The guy just laughed.

"Um I'm sorry, my love, but do you know who I am?" He said while smirking.

I shook my head.

"Well, love, I happen to be the owner of this place."

I stared at him confused, until it hit me. He was Shawn White. The most powerful mafia in the world. I stared at him confused as he came closer to me. He started to stroke my hair and whispered something in my ear.

"Now where was I? Ah yes. You and your friend will be coming with me and my other friend who is interested in your friend. You will both be living with us and we will get married and have many beautiful babies together. Now let's get going, love."

After he said that, I did the one thing that I was also taught to do. I kicked him in the jewels and ran for it, with Emily right behind me. We ran out there and we heard Shawn and his guards running after us, but we were faster, since we were in track. While we were running, Emily spotted a taxi and thankfully it stopped for us and we hopped in. As the cab driver was driving, we saw Shawn and his guards looking at us which made Emily and I laugh.

We got back to Emily's grandmother's house and told the cab driver thanks and went in. I told Emily that I wanted to go back home and she agreed. I felt bad that we were leaving so early, thanks to Shawn, but I told her that I would make it up to her.

*Hey guys! I hope you like the first chapter. It may suck, it may not. But please vote and comment. Thanks!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

The Mafia And Me By: KiwiSoulsWhere stories live. Discover now