Six Months Later

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Hailey's POV

Picture of Hailey's wedding dress

"HAILEY! COME ON! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" screamed a very hormonal Emily.

"Okay, I'm coming. Just let me put my veil on."

It has been six months, since Em and I got kidnapped by Alexander and Peter. And ten months since we were taken by Shawn and Richard and let me say, I couldn't be happier.

I am now getting married to Shawn and I can't wait to tell him the big news.

Walking down in this huge Cinderella dress is hard, but I don't care. I saw my family and Emily downstairs looking at me in aw.

"Can we please go now." I said, holding back tears that are trying to come down.

"Oh alright." My mother said. Here goes nothing.

Shawn's POV

Fuck! I can't believe I am getting married. To the most beautiful woman on earth.

"Shawn, you ready?!" Said Richard.

"Yeah. Just let me finish my tie and then we can go!"

After everything that happened with the whole Alexander and Peter thing, I wanted Hailey to forget about it. And the best way was to spend a week long trip to Switzerland with her. Where I proposed the right way and she said yes.

During our trip, we were walking around and Hailey saw this beautiful old castle and she said, that she wanted to get married here. So I made it happen and here we are.

I am now standing at the alter, where the music has started playing and there she was. My Hailey. I couldn't see her face well, because she was looking down and to other people. Guess, I'm not the only one who's nervous.

Finally, the moment she came up to me, her face lifted and she was stunning. Perfect everywhere.

"Do you Shawn Michael White, take Hailey Marie Blossom as your wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." I said, with a big, fat smile.

"Do you Hailey Marie Blossom, take Shawn Michael White as your husband?"

"I do." She said, with a few tears on her face.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. White. You may kiss the bride!"

I wasted no time and slammed her to me and kissed her.

I am completely happy.

During the reception, we were all laughing and smiling, until Hailey tapped her glass. I looked at her confused. Hopefully, it's good news.

"Hi guys. Thank you all for coming and yes I know it may sound strange that I married my kidnapper, but I couldn't be happier with anyone else."

That brought a smile to my face, but she wasn't finished.

"And because of that, Shawn I have a present for you. Emily would you go get it?"

"Sure. The black one?" Emily asked and she nodded.

Emily went to get it and then gave to Hailey to give to me.

"I hope you like." Hailey said.

I opened it and my eyes went wide. It was a picture of an ultrasound and down at the bottom of it said, I'M PREGNANT! WERE HAVING A BABY!.

"I HAVING A BABY! HAILEY IS PREGNANT!" I shouted from the top of my lungs and everyone stood up and cheered for us.

"So do you like it?" Hailey asked.

"No, I LOVE it!" I said and gave her a kiss.

This has been one of the happiest days of my life.

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