The Warning And Note

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Hailey's POV

Picture of garden house burning

After that night with Shawn, I completely forgot about the situation and these past few weeks has been nothing but nice and relaxing. Every day, Shawn has been showering me with love, gifts, and spending time with me. We even had a family dinner and invited my family, where Shawn talked to my mom and dad, but especially my dad and after a four hour long talk, my father forgave him. Which meant a lot to me.

Today, Shawn has a business meeting with some of his men, including Richard, which I'm really bummed about. Currently, I am in our room making the bed, Shawn is getting ready for work.

"Do you have to go?!" I say, whining.

"Unfortunately I do, but hopefully I won't be gone long. When I come back, we will have a very romantic night. Just me and you."

"Ohhh okay. I guest while you're gone, Emily and I can hangout over here."

"Alright love, have fun and be careful. I love you." Shawn said. He gave me a kiss and walked out to the car.

After he left, I texted Emily and asked if she wanted to come over, which she gladly accepted. Within ten minutes, a pregnant Emily walked in with snacks and movies.

"Wow! Did you bring the whole movie theater?" I asked.

"Haha! No. I thought we could have a movie day!"

I just laughed and helped her set up. After that, we put in one of our favorite movies Magic Mike.

Half way through the movie, Emily walked over to the window and screamed at the window. I ran over to see what she was screaming about. There, the greenhouse was on fire. I called one of Shawn's men and told them about this and they told us to stay in and call the firefighters. I dialled them and told me they be here within seconds.

When they got here, they put the fire out and told us that it was completely destroyed, but they did say, they saw a note that had my name on it.

"Hailey what does it say?" Emily asked.

I couldn't answer her, so I just gave her the note.

Dear Hailey and Emily,

We told you that we would find you. We will be back soon to come and get you guys, so we can get marry and start a family. This fire was warning, so watch out. Oh and tell Shawn and Richard we will see them soon. Also tell Emily, that when we get her, the baby will have to go.

Alexander and Peter

After she read it, she had tears in her eyes.

"What are we going to do?"

"Well I'm going to call Shawn and you call Richard. Okay?" She nodded and went to call him.

I quickly called Shawn and after the third ring he answered. Oh this is going to be hard.

Shawn's POV

I was in my office, when my beloved Hailey called me.

"Hello love. How are you doing?"

"Um Shawn......."

"Hailey what's wrong? Please say something." I asked worried.

"Um is it okay if you come home now? It's really important."

I was just about to answer, when a furious Richard stormed in my office.

"Hailey, I'll be right back"

"What's wrong?"

"Emily called me and told me that your greenhouse was set on fire and that it is a warning. From Alexander and Peter."


That's all I needed to get home with Richard right behind me.

When we got to my house, I saw some smoke still and firefighters clearing it out. We walked around and saw it destroyed. I really wanted to kill Alexander for doing this, bit right now, I needed to see Hailey and see if she's okay. I walked inside the house and the first thing I heard was Hailey crying. When I saw her, she looked at me and ran to me.

"I'm so sorry. This should of never happen. It's our fault." She said, while burying her face in my chest.

"Hailey it is not your fault. They are going to pay."

She let go of me and handed me a note. Once I read it, I walked over to the wall and punched a wall, which caused Hailey to flinched. I went to her and held her close to me. Not wanting to let her go. We stayed like this, until she slowly began to sleep. I picked her up and placed her in our bed and with one last kiss, I walked out to find Richard.

Once I found him and Emily snuggled up together, I told them what I had in my mind and they both agreed, well Emily didn't but had no choice.

My plan was to have them on house arrest, until we found them and locked them up for good. All I know is that Alexander is not going to lay a hand on Hailey, even if I have to kill him.

The Mafia And Me By: KiwiSoulsWhere stories live. Discover now