Girls Day

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Picture of Emily

Hailey's POV

I woke up the next day, with my eyes still a little red from crying all night. What Shawn told me, really made me upset. I heard a knock on my door, but decided to ignore it, since I had a feeling it was Shawn. There was another knock on my door and at this point, I decided to answer it. When I opened my door,I saw Emily there with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Em. What's up?" I said.

"GIRLS DAY!!!!!!" She said screaming. I swear I felt like I was now deaf.

"What do you mean girls day? Shawn won't let me out."

Emily just laughed. "Shawn said that he felt awful about yesterday and said that you needed a day to relax. So did Richard."

Well than I better get ready.

When we arrived at the mall, Emily dragged me to Forever 21, to look for some clothes. She told me I had to pick a couple of outfits out and at first, I thought that she was crazy; but then I decided why not. After that we went to this school shop and bought notebooks, pens, pencils, and backpacks. While Emily was paying, I looked at all the stuff that we had bought and they look like they are for school, which they are. Emily must of notice me checking the things that we bought.

"Hey! Chill out. You'll find out soon." She said, giving me a wink.

Okay something is wrong.

As we were walking out, I decided to ask Emily about how her and Richard are doing.

"So Em. How are you and Richard doing?" I asked. She looked down and started blushing.

"Um we're good. I um kind of slept with him." She said.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

" Are you serious?!?!" I said, giving her the WTF LOOK.

"Yeah. I know that I am moving fast, but last night he told me why he took me and at first, I slapped him and told him that he was crazy. But then, I saw the hurt and regret in his eyes, so without even thinking, I just missed him. At first, it was just a little make out kiss, but then it got super heated and for the first time Hailey, I felt safe in his bed, with his arms wrapped around me." She said on the verge of crying.

I went up and hugged her. "So you forgave him?" Is asked. She nodded and I couldn't help but feel happy for her. Ever since we were little, she always wanted a boyfriend to make her feel special. I mean when we were in high school, both of us had boyfriends who were older than us, but later down the road, the started to become abusive to us. So we broke up with them, with our parents help and thankfully they moved away and we NEVER saw them again.

After I let go, she asked me a question that I wished she hadn't.

"Did you forgive Shawn?"

I shook my head and she frowned.

"I understand, but trust me when he tells you the WHOLE story, you'll forgive him."

I thought that he told me the whole story, but I guess not. After about five hours of shopping, we finally left and I asked Emily is she wanted to eat dinner with me, which she gladly accepted. When we pull up, I walk upstairs to my room and call Emily down.

"Emily!!!" No answer.

"Emily Spring!!!!" No answer. I started to get worried, so I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen, where I saw Emily outside with Shawn and Richard. I walked out, with Emily having a huge smile across her face.

"Um what's going on?" Asking a little bit scared.

Shawn came up to me and whispered something in my ear.

"You are going to college, love."

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