One Year Later

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Picture of Mackenzie

Shawn's POV

"Mackenzie! Mommy's home!" I said to our one year old daughter.

"Hi baby! Did you miss me?!" Hailey said.

I walked over to them and gave her a big kiss. She smiled and responded back. Which caused Mackenzie to laugh.

"So how was it?" I asked.

"It was good, but I think I am going to apply for that other job."


"Because I want to be near you and Mackenzie."

I smiled at that. I want her to be close to us. She applied at the New York Times as an editor and I am so happy for her.

She places Mackenzie in her bed and walk to our room. Where she starts taking off hers and mine clothes. Oh this is gonna be fun.

"You ready Mr. White?" She says in her sexy voice.

"Always, Mrs. White."

She nods and began trailing kisses down me and I was lost in Europa.

It was 3:00 in the morning and let me just say, last night was amazing. I quietly walked to check on Mackenzie, since Hailey was asleep. When I entered, she was wide awake. Huh? Thought she be asleep. I walked over to her and was about to pick her up, when I found a note on her stuff animal.

What it said, made my blood boil.

Hello Shawn, I'm back and let me just say damn. You and Hailey got married and have a beautiful baby girl. If I were you, I would keep them close. Because I might take one of them or maybe both. See you soon.


Your baby is very cute when she's asleep, but beautiful when she's awake.


After I read that, I quickly got Mackenzie out of her crib and carried her to our bedroom and put her next to Hailey. After about five minutes, she finally feel asleep. As I watch my two beautiful girls, I came to realize that no one will ever harm them and that I have some unfinished business with Alexander.

Alexander POV

After I left their house, I smiled and did a little victory dance.

Hailey and Mackenzie will soon be mine and I will make sure that Shawn is dead. And that Hailey sees him die too.

The Mafia And Me By: KiwiSoulsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن