Chapter 3:Meet the Family

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As we walked along the corridor in silece we walked in to room 162 and we were greeted by two high pitched screams as we walked in and I was confused until Clara shouted at them it was just her and the 'new girl' Jamie. So thats who I was the 'new girl'. "ALEX, JAZ what is wrong with you were you watching horror movies while I wasn't here because thank you if you were but dont come crying to me when you have nightmares Jaz. Alex, Jaz this Jamie.. that's right isn't it?" she questioned as she turned to face me "yeah" I smiled back it was very clear she was the mother and the sensible one of the three.

"OMG, Hi sorry for screeming I'm Alex" said the brunette extending her hand so I shook it "Hi....." before I could finish I was cut of by the blone with brown eyes "Hi I'm Jazmine but everyone calls me Jaz." she says pulling me in to a hug that I return to be polite "All of you stuff has already been brought up you just have to un-pack but that can wait 'til later if you want and we can give you a tour now." "Yeah sure that sounds fun."

With that we left the room trapesing down the bright corridors the girls point places and people out on the way several of the groups of boys wolf wistled at me and then I realised what I was wearing, white shorts with a thick brown belt and a blue vest with flower round the neck-line and some brown stappy sandles with my long hardly ever cut brown hair down. I just ignored them 'cause Clara said none of them will go near her of give anyone friends with her any trouble because she may look like the caring type but get in her bad books and you have a death wish.

We stopped on a field near a group of boy one of which I'm guessing was her boyfriend because he walked over to us with his friends and hugged her and kisssed her cheak " Guys, this is Jamie she just moved here from L.A." "Hey I'm Leo and this is Damein, Josh, Ben and.. " Clara's boyfriend was cut short by a mysterious looking guy with dark brown hair and almost black eyes wearing a black tee-shirt and black jeans said "Kyle, hi." he said in a deep sexy voice and then I heard Clara and the Girls laugh as if they had just read my mind we said goodby and walked off.

Kyle well he certainly suits the name I have to say he looks like he is freaking royalty or something.... Jamie shut up he said hi to you I'm pretty sure he makes all the girls feel this way you are nothing special.

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