Chapter 18:Meeting the Parents

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I woke up in a limousine with tinted windows and Clara and Leo were nowhere to be seen but I saw Kyle tapping ferociously at his iPhone. I just watched him. Around 2 minutes later he put his phone down.
"Good morning princess." He said with a smile. I had slept all day yesterday and all night pretty much.
"How long was I asleep?" I mean I already knew I just needed to clarify.
"19 hours." He said moving to sit next to me.
"Holy shit." I muttered under my breath but of course he heard it and laughed.
"Where are Leo ad Clara?" I asked curios to why they weren't here.
"Leo had business in town and Clara's driving." As he said that the screen separating the front of the limo and the back rolled down to reveal a very cheery looking Clara and some music was playing. Kyle shot her a glance.
"Alright. Alright. I'm gone see." She said rolling the screen back up before stopping it half way.
"I just thought you would want to know that we're home!" She exclaimed turning off the engine and getting out if the car.
"Right before you get out of the car there is something you should know." He paused.
"Just spit it out. What could be worse than the fact someone's trying to kill me." I said.
"There's a lot of cameras out there." He said as Clara opened the door and he held out his hand. I took it hesitantly because I'm all road tripy and I look gross if I'm honest. As we got out of the limo cameras were flashing everywhere and people were asking Kyle questions left right and centre and they were all about me. Clara told them all to piss off or they wouldn't live to publish this article and they all soon shut up. Clara held such an authority here where ever here is. We walked up the few steps onto the large porch area of this mansion that Clara calls home. Clara rang the doorbell and the doors were opened by two girls of around 16 that I was assuming were maids. I mean in a house this big you would need them. We were greeted by a man and woman who seemed to be in there early forties and a 14 year old boy. The woman had blonde hair and tired blue eyes and the man who I was assuming was her husband had brown eyes and black hair. He resembled Kyle. The young boy was blonde and had brown eyes.
"Kyle. Finally home I see." The man said.
"Yeah at last father!" Kyle laughed as he was pulled into a hug by the woman.
"You are never leaving this house again. I missed you to much." The woman scolded him.
"Sorry mother. Are you well?" He asked in response.
"Yes and who is this young lady. May I ask?" Kyle's mother asked.
"Mother I would like you to meet Jamie." He said calling me over by holding his hand out. "My mate." Before his mother could answer the boy who Clara was stood next too started to sing as Kyle's fate tensed up when Kyle said mate.
"Kyle's got a girlfriend, Kyle's got a girlfriend." He sang in a sing song voice and Clara joined in acting like a child.
"Shut up you too!" Kyle snapped laughing.
"Jamie this is my father Oliver, my mother Rebekah." He said gesturing to them."And this little ball of trouble is my baby brother Sam." He said ruffling Sam's hair.
"Hey I have you know I'm 258 years old this year mister!" He shouted pointing at Kyle. Clara just laughed.
"Right well then we will let you get settled then call you for lunch in about 4 and a half hours." Rebekah said pulling her husband away and Clara dragged Sam of in the same direction.

It was just me and Kyle in the entry hall. He took my hand in his and lead me upstairs into a grand room. The walls were grey. There was a black bed frame with grey and red sheets and pillows on it. There were two doors to my left and one to my right which was slightly open and I could see a bath room through the crack in the door. I sat down on the sofa next to Kyle.
"Sorry about my father." He said but I didn't quite understand but I knew it was to do with when he tensed up. I reassured him that it was fine and we just started talking. We were talking for about 4 hours when out of nowhere he kissed me. Like he did before in the forest but this was slower, more passionate and for a lot longer.

There was a knock at the door which I could tell pissed Kyle off. He stopped the kiss.
"Come in!" He said with rage in his voice.
"Keep you wig on old man. Your mother sent me to say food was ready." Clara said jokingly.
"You can't talk your older than me. You were alive in the time of the dragons. And we will come down in a minute." Kyle said to Clara throwing a pillow at her and she closed the door laughing and shouted 5 minutes to us.

Kyle handed me a hoodie to put on. Apparently it was cold in the dining room because it was north facing I up the hoodie on and he kissed my forehead taking my hand and leading me down stairs. As we were walking toward the dinning room I heard Clara shouting at Sam about something to do with her age and Oliver was telling them to shut up. I looked at Kyle and he was laughing so it must have been an amusing argument.
"Are they always like this?" I asked Kyle curiously.
"Yeah. They are born enemies." I shot him a confused glare.
"Every supernatural being is born with both a soul mate and a natural enemy but the enemy is you best friend Clara and Sam have always hated each other but they are the bestest of friends. And you know Jason the werewolf?" I nodded.
"Well I'm stuck with him." I nodded as we walked into the dinning room.
"Took your bloody time didn't you." Sam said in his strong English accent.
"Language Samuel!" His mother scolded.
"I'm 258 years old I'm not a child anymore!" He stated to his mother.
"Then act 258 not 8." Clara sneered across the table.
"Oh haha you're really funny Clar!" He said sarcastically.
"Okay let's eat before someone throws their knife at someone." Kyle's father said taking a sip of a red liquid that I assumed was blood and started to feel faint. Kyle picked up on this because he looked at me confused and worried.
"The blood." I muttered loud enough for only him to hear me.
"Mother can you excuse us for a minute." Kyle asked politely.
"Yes of course. Is everything okay? Jamie your looking a little pale." She said. And then everything went dark.

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