Chapter 10: The New Kid

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Monday finally came aroud after a sunday filled with movies, gossip and ice cream. The usual thing happened Clara got up then screamed at Alex to get up and the me and Jaz started to wake up she soon left me and then I got ready, we headed to tutor where we met up with the boys and entered the class room, while Clara and Leo were holding hands. When Mr Johnston saw this he was furious,
"Clara! Leo! What on earth do you think your doing?!" He screamed

"What is there something with being in love sir?" Clara questioned with the Attitude she has been missing all of last week.

"Well how old are you and have you ever experienced true love?"

"Maybe but the question is have you?" that got a 'ohhhh' and a 'whaeyyyyy' from the class.

"Sit at the front and it is detention for you young lady!"

"Oh but sir your forgetting something......"

"Really Miss Pierce indulge me if you will."

"Why of course I cant have detention as I'm at this hell hole of a school all day"

"Sit down now! Miss Pierce!"

"Okay 'Mr Bossey'."(Nemo Quote. Dory is life.....I think hehehe) And with that she took her usual seat. Mr Johnston realizing he wasnt going to win gave up and got on with the regeister. But not before the lady from reception brought in a new student called Luke Sutherland he was tall alot like Kyle and he had Blonde shaggy hair and Blue eyes he was cute yeah I'm admitting it he was cute but I prefer Kyle. The second Mr Johnston said his name Clara, Leo and Kyle tensed up like they knew him already but hated his guts.

"There's a seat at the back next to Josh, Josh wave." Josh gave a half-hearted smile and held his hand half way in the air so this new guy knew where to sit.

"Oh and Leo will you guide him round."

"And why should I he now knows who Josh is it would make sense."

"Fine Josh it is now your job to take care of Luke"

"I don't need a baby sitter." Luke butted in.

"Of couse you don't you just go around hurting people."Clara muttered and Kyle and Leo must of heard it because they laughed. I was now confused. Kyle glanced around me to look at Clara who seemed to be in the same mood. That sent hunreds of questions through my brain it hurt. Who is he? Do they know him? What is Clara? Why was she mad last week? Why did Kyle send shots of electrisity through me when we touched? Did he feel it to? And finally, was I going mad and imagining things? My thoughts were interrupted by Mr Johnston calling the register,
"Melody Chase"


"Chloe Cross"


"Jamie Goldwin"

"Urm Yeah what Sorry sir"

"Kyle Hayes"

"Here." and the register continues and then the bell rings we all get up leave and go to our first leson History but we are doing something else today so that should be interesting.

This is Low-----Kyle's POV:

Monday again thats one thing you get bored being a Vampire the Infinate amounts of Mondays you have to go through. Today goes off with a bang because Clara's back yeah sure she never left but the one with the attitude is back, First thing in the morning she wins an arguement with Mr Johnston about the fact that every day is like detention and that he has never been in love. But we get on with the 15 minutes we have in a room with him and then something strange happens and enemy walks in and not just any enemy the one who will stop at nothing to ensure that my kingdom will fall the heir to The Brotherhood Organisation that will stop at nothing to ensure the destuction of my kind.
Mr Johnston asked Leo to guide him around and leo dumped the job on Josh but while they were talking about who was going to do it Clara had to prove a point to ensure he knew she wasn't going down without a fight so she muttered
"Of couse you don't you just go around hurting people."
I knew he heard it because he looked at her with a death threat in his eyes even though he can't kill her even with all of the stuff his father owns. Because there is one thing about Clara which makes her different from all the rest she was one of the first vampires in existence and the curse was bound with the breath of a dragon so the only weapon that can kill her is one forged in that dragons breath.
So with that we left and went to History. Fun I was there for most of the stuff we do anyway.

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