Chapter 12: Puzzle Peices

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Puzzle Pieces
Now it's Tuesday, 3 days until the ball. All through out her day Clara, Leo and Kyle were all talking silently to them selfs and making snarky remarks towards the teachers about how historically inaccurate everything they taught us was. After class had finished we went our separate ways to our dorm room until the bell rang for dinner we all walking to the hall grabbed our dinner and took our usual seats.
"Good evening everyone. I am here to remind you that the ball is quickly approaching so get you masks by Thursday this week! That is all please enjoy your meal and have a nice evening." The headmistress told us.
"We all need masks!" Jaz said panicking realising we didn't have any.
"Don't worry I've ordered us all some and my self a new dress." Clara said reassuringly.
"A new dress are you crazy you can't do that now Clara!"
"It's totally fine Jaz. Just shut up and eat." And with that no one said anything else about it during dinner Clara showed me a picture of her new dress it was beautiful. Long strapless, it was grey an black an the top was like a corset with flowers on it and skirt if it was light grey with black and dark grey chiffon on the top of it waist she told me that her mask is black lace styled, and all if ours matched our dresses.
After dinner we walked back to the dorms and once we were all inside Clara stayed out to say good night to Clara when we herd a screem we all rushed towards the end of the hall and hung up dead was a girl I think her name was Hannah but who ever she was she was dead that's when I over heard Clara, Leo an Kyle.
"Who could have done this?" Clara asked the boys.
"I don't know but I think it was a vampire." Kyle answered.
"It's someone who has just transitioned, untrained and deadly now we have to find it before anyone else dies. Kyle can you raid the hunters stash."Kyle nodded.
"We have to get out of here the blood it's to strong." And they all left.
Soon the paramedics arrived and took Hannah to the morgue her time of death was pronounced 17:12 so she died through out dinner. Her friends said she went back to her dorm to get something that she forgot and she never came back to the hall. It was after that convosation I over heard that I was going to confront one of them things were to weird. I was going to confront Kyle on Friday at the ball.

I walked back to the dorm room to go to bed, and Clara was already asleep so I got changed and went to bed. Jaz and Alex shortly followed.

Wednesday went pretty fast we had english, art, science, P.E and music. But Alex wasn't around because she felt ill so at lunch Clara and I went to check on her and I over heard another strange convosation something about Clara being the eldest and something about me and Kyle.

In P.E we played volleyball that was fun but Clara was hitting the ball really hard she almost popped the ball, smashed a window and broke someone's nose. In music we had to preform songs as a group it was Clara, Leo, Kyle am myself and Clara sang and she is amazing, Kyle played the piano and Leo added in effects and I played the guitar which I used to play before my step-dad broke my guitar.

Alex's POV
Wednesday the best day of the week. Not it means we still have two more days to go until the weekend. I didn't feel to good this morning so Clara went down to reception to say that I wouldn't be coming in because I didn't feel well. But knowing the receptionist she said I had to go in and knowing Clara she probably compelled her to let me stay off. Yep Clara is a vampire along with Leo and Kyle and me well I'm a witch whose blood line has been in the service of royal vampires for generations. If there is one thing you need to know about the supernatural it's that we all have a soul mate out there but some die before they even meet them which is quite sad. Clara and Leo are soul mates but Kyle hasn't found his and I feel really bad for him because my mother never found hers and my dad was just a drunk one night stand I mean my mother was always a save your self for your mate kind of person but an un-mated depressed drunk witch is never a good combination. But I'm not at the mating age yet it's my birthday on Friday the day of the ball and maybe I will find him then.

I was in bed watching really bad movies that never get the correct representation of witches or vampires or just the supernatural in general. But who am I to blame to regular humans we are just stories and fairy tales made up for children. After about an hour I turned of the TV and grabbed my spell book and began practicing I managed to clean the entire room with out getting out of bed. At lunch time Clara brought me up some food and Jamie came up to grab something she had forgotten, Jamie went into the bathroom for something.

That when Clara asked me,
"Do you think she's Kyle's you know"
"I don't know it's entirely possible but your the eldest you should be able to sense it."
"I know but I look at her and I come up blank. But sssh she's coming."
"Hey what were you two talking about?"
"Oh nothing don't worry you two go get back to lunch before Leo comes looking for you." I said and the laughed as the left.

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