Chapter 22: Engagements

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Sorry its been so long
No spoilers but look at the picture.


Jamie's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around the room to see Kyle, Clara, Leo, Sam, Rebekah, Alex, Jason and some girl I didn't recognise.
"What Happened?" I asked, my voice still hoarse.
"Jamie. Do you not remember?" Kyle asked entwining his hand with mine.
"I was coming back here and I run in to your father and the next thing I know I'm waking up. What happened?" I questioned again.
"He attacked you Jamie. Oliver. He tried to kill you. But I found you in time. He's locked up now he won't hurt anyone ever again. I am so sorry Jamie." He said kissing my hand.
"Well..." Clara said after a few minutes.
"We'll be in the kitchen. Get well soon Jamie. Do you need anything?"
"Okay Clar. Water. Please." Kyle reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the water bottle and handed it to me. I thanked him an everyone left the room. I took a drink of the water and Kyle looked at me sincerely.
"Jamie. I have to kill my father." What the hell! He could do that. "But I cannot kill him until I take the throne."
"Yeah go on." I said impatiently.
"But I have to be married and mated to you before I can. Jamie. I know this a lot for you to take in. But please marry me."
"Kyle I hardly know you. I know it's different for you. But I can't marry you at the drop of a hat. I mean I don't know what I'm getting my self into."
And just then he did something I didn't think he would. He kissed me like no just a peck but full of kissed me. It was euphoric something I had never experienced before in my life. My entire body was exploding like fireworks. Just like when he first touched my arm. Just like in the forest. Just like the other day. Then reality set in. I was falling in love with him. At a rate I could not control. I needed him. And then all of a sudden he pulled away his eyes turned black and his fangs elongated.
"I'm sorry. I haven't fed in a while." He said turning away from me to hide the monster that had taken control. I held his cheek and lead his face round to mine, and kissed him. Just a short simple kiss but he relaxed.
"It doesn't matter to me. Kyle. Your not a monster. I love you." I whispered to him with our foreheads touching.
"How in gods name did I get so lucky?" He said kissing my forehead. I giggled in response. Something I hadn't done since I was very young.
"Beautiful." Was his reply. "Jamie...please marry me."
"I... I can't. We barely know each other."
"Marry me and we can have an eternity."
"That sounds rather tempting. My lord."
"Indeed it does. Princess. Please."
I turned my head.
"Sweetheart. What's wrong?"
"This wasn't how my life was supposed to go. I was supposed to finish school. Go to collage. Get a job. Settle down with someone. Eventually get married and then start a family. This isn't meant to happen to girls like me."
"Jamie. These things do happen to girls like you. Because your not ordinary. You are extraordinary. Your not meant for mundane things Jamie. You meant for amazing things. So please. I love you more than anything I have ever done or seen in my entire life and that's been 586 years. Miss Goldwin. And I know you love me. So please. Just marry me." He said pulling out a diamond ring.
"Oh do you know what? How can I say no to you. Yes. Of course I'll marry you. On one condition."
"You promise me forever."
"I thought you'd never ask." He said kissing me passionately.
"May I?" He asked holding out the ring.
"You may." I answered as he slipped the ring on. It fit like a glove to say the least.
"Are you hungry?" He asked after a few minutes.
"A bit. You?" I asked then realised my mistake.
"Okay you wait here. I'll be right back. And princess don't worry about it. It's a common mistake. Would you like anything in particular?" He asked standing up.
"Can I come with you?" I asked cautiously. Why was I so scared? Did I think he would attack me like his father did. He interrupted my train of thought.
"Sure. But you need a shower first and to get changed." Only then did I realise my hair was a mess and I was only wearing my underwear and one of Kyle's T-shirts.
"Okay." I said getting out of bed and walking towards the en-suite.
"Leave the door unlocked. I don't fancy breaking it down if you pass out." He said and I stared at him as if he had grown a head. He gave me an 'I'm serious' look.
"Fine." I said walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower and taking off my ring. I washed my hair and my body. When I got out I stared at my self in the mirror. At every last scar. I grabbed my towel quickly and walked into the closet and picked out a vest top with a slouchy Burgundy jumper and some black leggings. I walked out and Kyle stared at me. I started to dry my hair with my towel when I felt a presence behind me.
"Allow me." Kyle said taking the towel out of my hands. He dried, brushed and plaited my hair loosely and hugged me from behind and kissed the top of my head.
"Where's your ring?" He asked me looking down at my hands.
"In the bathroom." I said walking away to go and get it.
"No you stay here. I'll get it." He said walking into the bathroom and out again with the ring in his hand. He slid it on to my right ring finger and kissed my hand. He was being really affectionate today. But then again I have been asleep the majority off he time I was here. He stood up and held out his hand. Which I took and stood up. We walked hand in hand down the corridor in silence until Kyle chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"Clara and Sam. They're arguing over pasta."
"Oh... you can hear them. Figures."
"Trust me. It's more of a burden. I had to pay to sound proof Clara and Leo's room." Does that mean everyone can hear what we talk about. I looked at him strangely.
"Don't worry I sound proofed ours." He said laughing. We walked further along the corridor and I heard shouting and laughing coming from the kitchen. Which all ceased at our entry.
"Yes I got it!" Clara said waving the packet of pasta in the air. We all laughed but Sam sulked which made us laugh harder.
"Sam calm down it's just pasta." Said the girl who I didn't recognise.
"No Jess it's not just pasta. It's the one Clara likes. She won again."
"Seriously. Your sulking over pasta babe." Jess said kissing him.
"Get a room." Clara shouted from the stove where she was cooking pasta. Sam threw a knife at her that she caught and put on the side. Jesus her reflexes are on point.
"She has got a point you can kiss anywhere in this house except for my kitchen and my bedroom." Rebekah said scolding her son. Then all of a sudden someone walked in. It was Jason. He had blood all on his knuckles and was sweating like a pig.
"Jay, what happened?" Kyle asked pulling me closer and I saw Leo do the same to Clara and Sam pull Jess closer.
"Your father tried to escape." What!
"Escape how?" Kyle growled.
"He attacked one of the guards. But I knocked him out. Drained some of his blood. He's a lot weaker now."
"Thanks Jay." Kyle said sighing in relief.
"No worries. I've got to run." And with that he left. Clara plated up the pasta she had made and good god it was amazing. It was tomato and mascarpone sauce with beef mince and pasta. We all are in silence. Until Kyle left the room for a moment. He walked back in with 8 champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne and some orange juice. He poured everyone a glass of champagne and Clara a glass of orange juice.
"I have something to announce." Kyle said getting everyone's attention.
"Jamie and I are to be married." He said. Raising a glass.
"Have you picked a date yet?" Rebekah asked.
"No mother. I only asked her this afternoon."
"You should have it at Christmas. In the snow." Clara said with a sudden burst of creativity.
"Well the sooner the better. I'm getting to old for all of this. And I want grandkids before I die." Rebekah said.
"Mother. You don't look a day over 45." Sam said smiling.
"Aww. Thank you Samuel." She said kissing his cheek just to annoy the hell out of him but he just kept quiet.
"So dates...?" Clara said rubbing her hands together like a mischievous child.
"Well...we'll leave you girls to it." Kyle said kissing my cheek. Leo kissed Clara and Sam kissed Jessica.
"Bye then..." Rebekah said.
"Bye Mother." Kyle and Sam said at the same time.
"Bye Bekah." Leo shouted.
For the rest of the evening we started planning the wedding that has only been happening for about 5 hours. Jeez. Clara loves weddings.

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