Bonded For Eternity: Death and Rebirth

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  • Dedicated to Areeba Zakir

A/N: ~Dedicated to my dear friend Areeba;) My lovely editor!!! What would I do without her guidance? Probably die from embarrassment! =)

~Thank you for reading my work. This means a lot to me. 


 She was the one.

Undoubtedly glowing, the most mesmerizing creature in the entire magical world was being held in my arms. Her beauty bleached the Sacred, the place that served as a sanctuary for angels.

It was a matter of time when the knowledge of undetected connection to Heaven was remarkably demanded.

Before a certain step fell upon the holy land, my eyes examined every rock that was in the location to determine the absence of the enemy. The thought of the Sacred consisting a few foes was improper and should have never appeared. Nevertheless, one had to be cautious of his surroundings and the society with whom he was acquainted. Life had bestowed upon us unexpected surprises, and not the sugar coated gifts. Each day was harder than the last one; each battle was almost unsuccessful, leading to a complete failure.

And the catastrophe had approached coming from behind. To be precise, it wasn’t anticipated at all. At least, not to this wicked extent. But I do not deny the fact that I had failed to see the danger or rather did not want to believe it existed. Thus, it was right to punish me now as I was meeting with disaster.

In charge of protecting an innocent soul? A faithful partner that fought side by side with his comrade? What a fool I was!!!

I made a second step, more firmer, a decided move. With my sharp senses, I caught the presence of an intangible power emerging out of nowhere.

Invisible to the naked eye, the energy had swirled around me checking the intruder, whether it could trust unrecognized human being. Frozen to the spot, I stood as I was inspected; my body remained motionless, afraid to make a disgraceful act.

It was long until I was practically released of pressured stress.

I looked around; everything seemed quite. No voices. No sounds.

I had a feeling that had compelled me to come here. Strangely, my feet brought me as if they knew the way without my mind giving an order.

My gaze fell on the sky-blue crystal, enormous and as glossy as ever. The shimmering words represented the destiny that has been carved in a language those angels speak or so it was said in manuscripts back in the library that was in my family’s possession. Unable to decipher the mystery that lies inside, I approached the center and bent down with Loretti in my arms, carefully placing her body onto the glittery stone that one could see through. Chestnut locks scattered on top of the smooth surface, she looked like a china doll. Delicate and fragile.

Thin, pure force of the Light travelled to the middle of the place, over shadowing the limbless body of the girl. The Sacred, beginning to accomplish its duty, made her deep wounds from an earlier battle heal; the crimson blood that soaked her white silk dress slowly disappeared, leaving coral trails behind, resembling the pink lilies that Lara adored so much.

Let her go”, the thought rushed into my head as if someone had implanted it a second ago. After a slight hesitation, I leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on her full lips. It was like the fairytale, ‘The Sleeping Beauty’, though the important concept was being destroyed. The prince was letting his princess die.

I kissed her softly, again.

How I strongly wished that this was all but a silly prank. Without any doubts, I would be furious, but she would be alive. Sound and as cheery as she could be, and apologetic perhaps. I persistently waited for my lady to release a hot breath that would brush against my cold lips, unmistakably warming them. As if her cheeks would color rosy red when her mind registers that she was being granted with the tenderness I rarely performed. As if she would hug me in order to conceal her embarrassment and stop me from scolding her roughly. A big ‘if’ that sounded so hopeless that it tore one’s spirit.

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