Chapter 14: The Choice

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Dedicating the chapter to Corinna Brunilda. She is one lovely person who enjoys writing poetry and posseses an enchanting novel called "The Blade and the Wing". I am grateful to have such an amazing supporter))


“You are breaking the rules” a familiar voice spoke from my left.

“Just checked her abilities”, someone laughed bitterly, “Disappointment haunts me today”

“If you keep up with your actions, not only would you lose your satisfaction, -“

My brain processed and instantly recognized Crevan’s creepy laugh that cut Daniel off by scoffing loudly, “Nay, my friend”

Daniel stiffed a sigh, “We need her to destroy the Montague family!”

“I am no longer interested in them. I got what I had wanted. And thanks to you”

“Crevan”, Daniel’s voice carried a threat, “I assume you are forgetting your place”, his hand gripped the bedstead and I felt it shake a little, “Let me remind you: There is a deal. Back off and you will face the consequences”

“I know!” Crevan roared and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I opened my eyes cautiously, only to see Daniel staring at his hands, convulsed into deep concentration. The element of fire emerged from his palms as he furrowed his brows. He clapped his hands once, to cease the power.

Still in a confused state, I hurriedly pretended to be asleep as I felt his attention returning back to me.

It felt like years had passed by when Daniel finally started speaking, “You are the key to this war” he said sternly, “A bait to lure your dumb lover”

He chuckled menacingly; his sharp laugh like the blade of a razor sliced my eardrums “Love is one’s weakness that leads to complete destruction”

I felt him coming closer to me and the next minute I found his cold lips were pressed against mine, “In point of matter, there is no such thing as ‘love’. It’s an illusion that exists in reality.” He added harshly, “Pathetic humans created it in fairytales, a belief that makes me go insane”

Of course I knew where these words had come from. My palm touched his chest where his heart beat as my eyelids opened, in hope that I could embrace his soul, which I could accomplish by searching the spark of purity in him. Deep down, he still was a vulnerable kid like he used to be centuries ago.

I was discouraged when he granted me with a dirty look. Unfortunately for all these years he had built up an unbreakable wall around him so that he wouldn’t be able to strike twice. He squeezed my hand painfully, returning my mind back from the useless memories, “You are a woman. An evil being that I am attracted to. You are my slave. I own you” His devilish smile broadened as my silence agreed in acceptance.


Time was merciless; it did not care about anyone’s problems and flew with such an incredible speed without any consent.

“Crown prince” the commander spoke behind me, snapping me out of my trance. I tore my stare from the window through which all the same gloomy clouds wandered in pale sky and onto the man in gear.

“Alfred” I said with a majestic tone, “Everyone stays in here. You are not an exception”

“But, prince-“ he pushed the matter further

“I will speak with His Highness” I persisted in my decision.

He hesitated, probably struggling with his inner emotions. Finally he bowed in defeat and left my chamber.

I sighed, while exiting my room, and headed towards my family. I entered the main hall and wasn’t a least bit surprised to see the king with an unreadable expression on his face, sitting across, meters away from me.

An awkward conversation was about to begin.

“Is this your final decision?” the words thundered in the place, cutting the silence I rather preferred.

“Yes” I answered determinedly, approaching the throne.

By the light of the lamps I could make out his worn, slightly wrinkled face that frowned in displeasure, “And you perfectly understand that your actions will affect this country?”

I had to be realistic, without beating around the bush, “Your Majesty, if I… no longer exist in this world, Michael will be a great ruler”

He couldn’t restrain himself to send me a glare, “Your mother is upset. So is the rest of the family”

I felt my body stiffen, but nonetheless I replied, “This is what I have to do”

“No, young man. You are delirious, in fact” He shook his head.

“I can’t watch from the sidelines”

“And all you want is to meet your own death?” He pointed out calmly, which wasn’t a good sign.

“Father” I looked deep into his tired eyes, “I cannot promise my return, neither can I predict the chances of my victory. But one thing I assure you: I listen to my consciousness, which whispers me the advice, I follow my heart, which helps me settle my own feelings”

The king spared me one last glance before turning his head, and avoiding my gaze.

“You are dismissed”

I bowed and left my father alone.

Edward joined me when I reached the parking lot, diving in to the car.

I was about to object his presence when my eyes caught a sight of his hand as a signal to stop me in my tracks.

I sighed.

A black, sleek Lamborghini woke up as I punched the power button on. Pressing the gas pedal, the car moved fast and soundlessly, far away from the Montague domain and into the certain place.

I was lost in thoughts as was Edward, without losing any concentration on my driving.

I had brutishly abounded the castle that I was raised in, betrayed my vows of serving my country and obligated to commit a sin… What was the appropriate term for the likes of me?

‘A helpless lover?’

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2012 ⏰

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