Chapter 8: Argue with the Devil

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“Good job” I exclaimed.

“Oh my God, I did it! I did!” she screamed on top of her lungs, hands covering her mouth.

Sensing as if an invisible hand was squeezing my stomach hurtfully, I hurried, “Let’s go and eat Luna. My tummy asks for food and will no longer wait”

“Of course it would be upset! I don’t know how you hung in there without any food for two days!”

“What?” I rounded my eyes. “Two days?”

“Yes, you were sleeping almost two and a half days! I can’t believe it myself! I know you love taking naps, but not that much”


“Magic Realm...” searching for an appropriate answer, my friend scattered her food on the plate with the help of a slender fork.

“-is another world, parallel to human one. Next question”

“We are in...?”

“Montague’s. Main royal castle. The Light Side.” I chewed slowly, enjoying the variety of tastes on my plate. Until that moment I had not realized how ravenously hungry I was. My poor stomach reminded me that it had been more than a day since I’d had my last meal. I closed my eyelids periodically as a star-shaped chocolate button oozed on my tongue.

“And?” Luna pierced a small chicken piece out of annoyance and tilted her head towards me. “Any useful details you have accidently forgotten to mention?”

I couldn’t help but scowl. I knew that my answers were brief and not the ones she was hoping for. Gulping down stilled water, I cleared my throat. “Among other aristocrats, Montague’s are a trustful family that have ruled fairly for generations, controlling kingdoms on the Light Side. The castle we are in is their property, which equals to-“

“- wait, the Light Side?”

“Here, in this world, there are sides, as in 'bad one and opposite'”

“so Light side and Dar-“

“Tsss!” I pushed my index finger to my lips to indicate her to stop what she was going to say. “Remember! Do not pronounce the word. It's a taboo.”

She absently nodded and continued eating as we talked.

“That place…it’s dark, twisted and violent. You don’t want to mess up and appear in there”

“But what if…a big ‘If’ you pass their territory?”

“Once you get there, you will never come back,” I muttered as a tide of black fear begun inside my head over the possibilities of us stepping into a dangerous land.

I shook my head to dull the rising panic.

I explained things about the Magic Realm that I thought she should know.

“I have to inform the crown prince about my actions,” I spit the word out like it was a worm that had crawled into my Caesar salad.

“Yes, indeed, you must” Christopher said, standing at the doorway with his arms crossed at wide chest. The man entered the room as if he had been listening to the whole conversation.

“Speak of the devil and the devil appears,” I whispered to Luna who tittered gleefully. The truth was that my heart itched for the particular striking Lucifer whereas my mind tried to deny the fondness.

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