Chapter 11: His one and only fairytale

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Like a switch is turned off, my dreaming mind returned to the present and I found myself walking gracefully, arm in arm with Chris on a crimson red carpet which lead us towards the entrance. I wished I had stayed dazed throughout the evening.

The mansion was situated in the middle of the forest, thus all sorts of animals played hide and seek nearby, though none of them had enough courage to trespass our way.

Two men, standing creepily inert with guarding weapons in their hands, bowed and didn’t stand straight until we were out of their sight.

The place inside, as well as the outside, mesmerized me, leaving me with the thought that this was a perfectly enchanted dream. Attached to the walls, were golden lamps, which gave a glowing effect while an oversized heavy-looking chandelier dangerously hung from the center of the ceiling.

As anticipated, every single person stopped in his or her tracks, eyes wide opened, and jaws dropped to the floor. Some fluffy fans and pale hands instantly covered princesses’ mouths, concealing their comical expressions. The silence fell, nearly as if every conversation in the room had been sliced with a sharp knife, cutting off sentences and leaving words unfinished.

When there was an absolute absence of sound, an old man with the voice like honey sliding down a slice of crispy bread, coughed to get everyone’s attention to announce our arrival, “His Highness, Crown Prince, Christopher Angele de Montague and Loretti Aura Ellyn Seraphina…princess…”I couldn’t hear the rest of his sentence as rumors started travelling among the crowd.

Then the man’s thin lips produced another announcement, welcoming the latest pair. Luna and Edward stepped into the spotlight and everyone including me regarded them as the elegant couple that looked like they were created for each other.

Some murmured, “Lost princesses…how ignorant of them! ...” Others checked us out with a predatory look on their faces.

Christopher did not move, waiting for something.

All of a sudden the whole crowd bowed. This was the signal for a flawless symphony to get louder, inviting the guests.

I turned, heart beating loudly in my ears as I heard the first three quick piercing sounds. Elegant in a tuxedo, the musician stood holding his violin tightly in his arms, as it was his infant.   

Sharp, but at the same time gentle, the notes floated in the air singing their charming song, tendering my feelings. Somehow the performer managed to catch the desirable attention while other instruments smoothly joined him. He was beyond my expectations.

A hand came to my view. My gaze flickered to my challenger, unsurprised to see the crown prince.

Consented I was, without wavering my decision.

While we were heading to the center, I asked in a hushed tone, “Loretti bla bla bla? What’s with all endless names? Couldn’t decide which one to choose?”

“Do you know their meanings, my lady?”

“No”, I shook my head, “Please do fill me in then! Better know what I’m called, milord” I rolled my eyes.

“Aura deriving from Latin aura, means ‘air, breeze, wind’. While Seraphina stands for ‘Burning Fire’ in Hebrew. And Ellyn is a variation of Helen, which means ‘Light’ or ‘the most beautiful woman’. I would say both” He winked.

My cheeks turned bright red, heat travelling to my face as I got the meaning of his speech. The embarrassment happened because someone said unnecessary things, making me believe that I still…perhaps liked him? Or did I not?

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