01 | Expulsion

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One; MJ

Soft whispers were being thrown around the hall, as they witnessed the expulsion.

This was rare in Seoul University.

They never expelled students in public.

Kwon Ae-Ri was the second to be expelled in front of an audience.

The first student to be expelled so publicly was a decade ago, yet now, the expelled student was a successful businessman.

"Kwon Ae-Ri have committed three 'fouls', as they say," the principal's voice was loud and clear, as he used two of his fingers to air quote "fouls".

"Her first foul," the principal started walking around the stage, "Was that she stole exam papers and sold them for money."

At this, voices of awe raised from the student body.

Kim Myung Jun raised his eyebrows, as he glanced at the girl with a small frame, standing beside the principal.

Even though she was small, she emitted the aura of a powerful queen.

Her face was emotionless, as she gazed out at the crowd.

Her eyes were dark, and there was not a slightest hint of any emotion at all.

She didn't even look regretful.

"She stole the papers?" Myung Jun, aka MJ, asked aloud, doubt coating his voice.

"Yeah, man! People call her the ice queen." His blonde friend who went by the name Jin Jin, said.

MJ cracked up, "Who do they think she is? Elsa?"

"Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anym-"

Lee Dongmin, who now went by the name Cha Eun Woo, hit both of them on the head.

"Shut it. Don't make fun of Ae-Ri. She's getting expelled right now, I'm sure she's afraid." Eun Woo snapped, as he turned his attention back to the stage.

Jin Jin pouted, as he obediently sat quietly.

MJ glanced at Ae-Ri again.

Eun Woo must be blind. She doesn't even seem the least bit remorseful.

The principal cleared his throat, and the voices died down, "Her second foul was that she had left the school compound during school hours, multiple times, just this month."

"And the third foul, Kwon Ae-Ri attempted to set fire to the school!" The principal snapped into the microphone.

He looked like he was about to scream at any second.

He narrowed his eyes at the students.

"You should all know that Seoul University takes education seriously. If you are here to fool around," He turned to Ae-Ri, and his voice raised a notch, "Then, get out!"

MJ flinched at the tone of his voice, even though it wasn't directed at him.

The hall was quiet, and even the slightest scraping of chairs could be heard.

Everyone held their breath, awaiting the response of Kwon Ae-Ri.

MJ could see her parents sitting at the front row. Her mother was crying quietly, and her husband was holding her as she sobbed.

Ae-Ri simply shrugged.

"Today, 28th February 2015, Kwon Ae-Ri is officially expelled."

MJ looked at Ae-Ri.

Not the slightest hint of regret on her face.

Ae-Ri simply turned around, and walked off the stage.

Like nothing was wrong.

MJ watched her walk out the door like she didn't have a care in the world.


Dedicated to @BooSara_
Thanks for being my first voter on this book, bby.

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