04 | Mean Names

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Four; Ae-Ri

Her face remained blank, like usual.

"Ah, Ae-Ri, it's been a year since you started working here but I've never seen you smile." Choi Hansol whined, as he poked Ae-Ri's cheeks.

There were very few customers, and the baristas were quite free.

"I never smile." Ae-Ri stated, as she watched people walk by the café.

Hansol pouted, "I'm sure you'll look even cuter if you smile."

Just then, a bunch of noisy teenagers came walking into the shop.

Ae-Ri shrugged, "There are customers. Get back to work."

Hansol sighed exaggeratedly, before clapping his hands together lightly, "Okay, but only if you promise to give me a smile after!"

"No. Get to work." Ae-Ri muttered, as she walked to the counter, ignoring Hansol's whining.

She watched as the girls walked to a long table, and a blonde guy followed after them.

The other guy, who had brown hair and a slight frown on his face, stood at the entrance, deep in thought.

Ae-Ri immediately knew he didn't like the smell of coffee.

It was obvious, from the way he was eyeing the coffee blenders.

His blonde friend walked back to him to drag him to the tables where the girls were seated at.

Ae-Ri sighed mentally, when they started talking loudly and playing rock papers and scissors.

Seriously, are they here to play or to drink coffee?

Ae-Ri wished that they would leave soon, because just them being here is giving her a headache.

She tapped her fingers on the counter, and looked away.

This was how she spent everyday of her life ever since her expulsion.

The café's boss was Hansol's father, and he immediately recruited Ae-Ri, because he liked "troubled" people.

Weird guy, he was.

But Hansol's father was a nice person, and if not for him, Ae-Ri wouldn't be here right now.

Someone waved a hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance.

It was the guy, with dark colored hair.

Ae-Ri's face didn't change- it stayed emotionless, as she moved to stand straighter.

"What would you like to order, sir?" Ae-Ri asked.

The boy's eyes twinkled, and he smiled brightly, "Ah! You're Ae-Ri, aren't you? Kwon Ae-Ri? The girl who was expelled last year?"

Ae-Ri was confused, 'How did he know?'

But then, she realized that he was from Seoul University as well.

Ae-Ri frowned.

She hated busybodies like him, and she hated small talks.

Why can't they just get to the point?

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was too straightforward." The boy chuckled lightly.

"It's okay. What would you like to order?" Ae-Ri repeated her question.

She was beyond pissed, but she kept her face blank.

Like always.

The boy smiled, and held out his hand, "Nice to meet you, Ae-Ri. Call me MJ."

Ae-Ri looked at his hand, before looking back up at him.

The bell rang, signaling more customers.

She sighed, "Look, are you going to order or-"

MJ held up his hand in surrender, "Alright, alright. Two latte macchiato, one cappuccino, one caramel latte, and for me, I'd like an Americano."

"What would your name be?"

"I just introduced myself."

"Okay. Your order will be done in fifteen minutes." Ae-Ri muttered as she handed him the receipt.

"Thanks, Ae-Ri!" MJ chirped, and walked off.

As Ae-Ri set to work on the orders, with the help of Hansol, she felt MJ's stares on her.

What does he want with me?

Ae-Ri took a deep breath, as she took the ready drinks to the waiting counter.

She took out a marker pen, and wrote a name on the Americano, before calling for MJ.

He came to pick up his order, with a bright smile, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Ae-Ri replied as she turned away, to attend to other customers.

"Wait, why is my name assJ?" MJ yelled, in shock.

Ae-Ri turned around, with a blank face as usual.

She looked at him, and coldly spoke.

"Be grateful I didn't name you asshole."


Dedicated to @-sxrcxsm. Thankiu for talking to me! It was fun. ^^

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