06 | Annoyance

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Six; Ae-Ri

He is so annoying.

It has been a week since MJ became a frequent visitor of Coffee Bean.

Ae-Ri sighed, as a headache decided to pop in and disturb her head.

She massaged her temples, as Hansol suddenly appeared beside her, and slung an arm around her shoulder.

"What's bothering my babe?" Hansol cooed, as he leaned his head on hers.

"Leave me alone." Ae-Ri muttered, as she shrugged off his arm, and went to attend other customers.

As she was making cappuccino for the customer, the annoying frequent customer entered the café with a whole group of boys; two of which looked familiar.

"Ae-Ri!" MJ called out, attracting several customer's attention.

Ae-Ri sighed inwardly, as she handed the cappuccino to the previous customer, before walking back to the counter where the group of boys were waiting.

"What would you like today, sir? Your usual Americano?" Ae-Ri asked, staring blankly at MJ.

MJ beamed, "So, let me introduce my group of friends to you! This is Jin Jin, the guy who came with me the first time!"

He blatantly ignored her question.

The blonde smiled cheerfully, as he waved.

"Then, that's Eun Woo! He's a sour face, but hey, he's a good guy!"

A brown haired boy glared at MJ, before smiling at Ae-Ri, "Nice to finally meet you. MJ has been talking a lot about you..."

Ae-Ri, for once, felt shocked, though she didn't show it.

No one actually talked about her, so when she heard that MJ actually talked about her, she felt something bubble in her chest.

What is this feeling?

Eww, I'm being cheesy now. Disgusting, ewwww.

"...and how you ignore him every single time." Eun Woo finished his sentence.

Ae-Ri bit her lower lip, as she nodded her head, and repeated her question, "What do you want to order?"

MJ waved her off, "Then those three are still in college; MoonBin, Rocky, and Sanha!"

Ae-Ri nodded her head again, as the three boys smiled cheerfully at her.

"Hello!" They greeted in sync.

"Hi. Please order now." Ae-Ri said.

MJ clapped his hands, "Guys, I recommend the Americano! It's delicious!"

Another delightful feeling bubbled in her chest, and Ae-Ri wasn't sure why.

Was it because MJ was talking about her drinks being delicious?

Or the fact that MJ was smiling at her with adore written all over his face?

"Alright. Six Americanos, please." Eun Woo, who seemed to be the most mature one out of all of them, said.

Jin Jin ushered the three youngest to a table nearby, as Eun Woo took out his wallet.

MJ quickly push Eun Woo away, "Don't worry about that, I'll pay!"

Eun Woo frowned in confusion, "But, hyung, you don't have money at all."

MJ looked alarmed, and embarrassed, as he dragged Eun Woo away, but Ae-Ri could hear him telling Eun Woo to shut up.

Unbeknownst to her own self, Ae-Ri actually felt happy.

A small smile was on her face.

A smile that had been hidden from the world, since her parents' divorce.

MJ came back a few minutes later, with Eun Woo's money, and smiled brightly.

But his smile faltered, and his jaw dropped, "Ah...Ae-Ri? You're smiling."

Ae-Ri frowned immediately, and snapped, "No, I'm not. I've never smiled before. Please pay."

MJ giggled like a high school girl, and handed her the money, "You should smile more! You look beautiful."

"Your orders will be ready in twenty minutes." Ae-Ri mumbled, and turned away.

"You forgot my receipt!" MJ sing-songed.

Ae-Ri sighed, and turned back to see him with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, here." Ae-Ri said, holding out the receipt.

MJ smiled, and took it, intentionally brushing his fingers lightly with Ae-Ri's finger, before actually grabbing her wrist and pulling her forward.

The shock immediately appeared on Ae-Ri's face, as she blinked her eyes a few times.

MJ grinned, and cocked his head to the side.

"So you do have emotions after all."

MJ finally let her go, before winking at her and walking away.

"What the hell?" Ae-Ri frowned, as she turned to make the orders.

She hated being played like that.

As she was writing the names on the cups of Americanos, she angrily thought of MJ.

As she finished writing the names on all the other boys' drinks, she glared down at MJ's cup.

On his cup, she wrote a sentence.

To AssJ: Stop being an ass.


MJ and his group of friends had finally left the café, after an hour and a half.

MJ claimed that he had business to attend to, and that he will be back the next day.

Ae-Ri simply said to him, "Please don't come back."

He laughed cheerfully.

Now that they were gone, and their voices were not ringing in her ears anymore, Ae-Ri's headache instantly felt better.

Someone entered the café, and Ae-Ri snapped out of her thoughts.

The person she saw made her jaw drop, and her heart stopped beating for a second.

"It's you."


Dedicated to @tigelegit ! Thanks for your support- I hope you enjoy this story.

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