Discovery and Mick

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        Sara and Cold are at Cold's future self's grave. 

         "I need to know how I will die!" Cold shouts  before he let's his face fall into the palm of his hands.

          "Cold, that's not the only thing you want to change is it?" Sara questions as she lays a hand on his shoulder.

           "Sara," He says before turning around to face her, "I... can't every be with someone... I can't be a father." 

    "Just cause your father was an idiotic jerk doesn't mean you'll be the same." She then smirks at him trying to lighten the mood.

  "My father beat me and my sister constantly."  Cold says under his breath as he looks down at his feet.

   "Hey," Sara says before lifting his head up,"I'm scared to."

     "Preventing my death isn't the only reason I'm here...." He says strolling off.

     "I know. You want to also prevent me from ever getting pregnant." Sara says looking into Cold's eyes as he stares into hers. Cold then pulls her in for a kiss. Sara raps her arms around his neck and his hands rest on her waist. 

         On the ship the others are arguing with each other and yelling at Rip because they are confused to why Rip kills Cold in the future.

   "Why are you such a jerk!" Jax yells with his hands in the air.

    "Your a killer!" Ray adds in.

    "Everyone shut up!" Kendra yells, "Ain't any of you at least a bit curious to why Sara went with Cold?" She then questions.

      "It's because when I kill Cold, Sara is 7 months pregnant. The baby is Cold's." Rip explains.

      "Cold was about to be a father and you killed him?!" Jax yells with frustration and confusion to why would a person do such a thing. 

      "I had to!" Rip yells in Jax's face.

      Jax then loses his top and slugs Rip in the face and slams him against the wall. He picks him off his feet by his neck and tries to strangle him. "Jax! Let him go!" Kendra says while trying to pull Jax off of Rip. Jax puts Rip down and storms off.

        "Okay guys can we take a breather and does anyone know where Mick is? I mean who knows what he could be doing right now. He could be planning world domination."  Ray says hoping they would calm down and that someone would know where Mick is, but they all just either shook their head or walked away.

1923, Australia:                                                                                                                                                                           Mick is at a laundry mat causing chaos and destruction. The year is 1923 and not 2018 like the time the others are in. Every one is screaming and running for their lives. "I love the heat!" Micks yells as he fires his flame gun. 

       Back on the ship.

    "Why did you or will kill Cold and When did him and Sara...?" Ray asks Rip.

     "I did it to save Sara." Rip replies.

     "How do you expect to save someone when you kill the person they love!?" Ray asks getting frustrated and tired of lies and secrets.

   "I love Sara and Cold is and will always be a wanted man! A women came to me and wanted Cold killed and if I didn't kill him  she would have Sara killed! I couldn't let that happen! If she dies then the baby would too! I was trying to protect her!" Rip shouts before letting his face fall into his hands.

    "I understand. sort of. So how long have you loved Sara?" Ray asks.

    "Since the day I laid eyes on her. She was exquisite. The most beautiful woman have every seen other than my wife. With her I felt like I could move on after my wife and sons death. She made things easier." Rip explains to Ray.

  "But I think she choose Cold instead of you. If you loved her so much you would let her be with who she loves and not force her into any decisions." Ray says in a calm tone trying to not make Rip mad.

  "But he's a criminal. How can she be happy with him?"

  "Like they say opposites attract. Plus Cold isn't such a bad guy. Like on the ship when she was crying and he swept her off her feet and took her to her room and stayed with her." Ray explains to Rip hoping he would understand why she belongs with Cold."Plus he and her have a sarcastic kind of an understanding. There like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can't have one and not the other."

Rip then leaves and Ray just stays there watching Rip walk away. Ray almost feels sorry for the guy but then he doesn't because of what he will do to Cold in 2018. He just wished all this drama of lies and secrets would end and they could all just stop savage without their personal lives getting involved. Cold was confused to why his future was with Sara and Jax was just wanting to kill Rip. There is nothing but tension between the entire team. Everyone has already chosen there side mostly Cold's side and Ray he just didn't want to chose sides. He believes a team should never turn against each other and that even when things get tough they should stand next to each other no matter what, but that wasn't this team. This team has been keeping secrets and everyone only cared about who they loved and their own needs. But Ray would not let that happen to them. He would do what ever it took to keep the team together.

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