What Does Being a Team mean

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      Ray is standing in the main room where the control panels are at and one by one the team enters the room. The last two that enter the room are Sara and Cold.

   "Have a seat you guys." Ray says smiling and gesturing them to take a seat.

   "What is this about Raymond." Cold says cranky like and Ray can tell he doesn't want to be here.

   "I've noticed that we have been keeping secrets and have been lying to each other." Ray explains.

   "So were all expected to listen to this?" Jax complains not wanting to be in the same room as Rip.

   "Yes." Ray answers.

    "Then where's Mick?" Cold asks.

   "I'm going to get to that," Ray says, "I know Rip lied to us and that he kills Cold," Ray gestures to Cold, "But we need to listen to him and understand this from his point of view." Ray explains before half smiling hoping the rest of the team would listen.

"Why should we even trust him!? He kills the father of my child! He kills Cold, a member of our team and for what reason!? He lied to us about being legends when really we have the least effect on the timeline and he didn't even bother telling us what he does in the future, so how can we ever trust him again!?" Sara questions before rolling her eyes and storming off. 

    "I'm with Sara." Cold says and then follows her out.

   "Guys! Can we just talk about this? Just listen and try to understand it's not that hard." Ray complains to the others because he doesn't want the team to fall to pieces. 

    "I'm sorry man but he kills the father of Sara's child. That's dark man and I thought Mick was scary... boy was I wrong." Jax says to Ray before walking out with stein following him.

"I'll listen." Kendra says hoping to make Ray feel better.

 "You can leave if you want it doesn't matter because the others are to stubborn to listen to someone else's opinion. All they care about is their own thoughts and feelings." Ray says collapsing into the chair behind him.

  "Maybe instead of listening to Rip you should listen to Sara and Cold. If you think about it, this situation has brought them closer. This could be good for them and just try to give everyone some space. Everyone will handle this differently and about Mick we should like find him." Kendra explains to Ray.

  "I already found him, he's in Australia." Ray answers Kendra's question.

   "In what time?" Kendra asks.

   "1923." Ray and Rip answers at the same time before sighing.

   Sara and Cold are in Cold's room sitting on the bed together. They are both staring into each others eyes when Cold leans in to kiss her and Sara practically jumps on him pinning him to the bed. Cold rests his hands on her waist and her hands rest on the bed. 

Jax is in the training room punching a punching bag. "pow!"  He let's all his anger out and just looses control. He is then interrupted by Sara, who is wearing nothing but a robe. Her blonde hair is down and messy.

  "Looks like were all handling this differently." Sara says before Jax turns around to face her.

 "Take it you and Cold are clearly not trying to prevent anything from happening." Jax says looking at what Sara is wearing before smirking.

  "And you're clearly loosing control." Sara says back gesturing to the punching bag.

   "So you and Cold.....? You guys a couple now?" 

    "I guess so or will be in 2 yrs."

   "I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what?" Sara questions.

 "You know about the whole Rip killing Cold and He is suppose to father your child. I mean the kid will never get to meet his dad." Jax explains.

  "I try not to think about it." 

  "It's pretty much the only thing I think of any more. I just want him dead!" Jax tells Sara.

   1923, Australia:                                                                                                                                                                                    Mick is drunk at a bar drinking every single kind of liquor there is. Then all of a sudden one of the time masters takes him hostage.

Back on the ship.

The entire team is seated ready to travel back to 2016. When they arrive Sara darts for the bathroom and Cold follows. She gets sick over the toilet and Cold holds her hair back. When she is done Cold takes a damp rag and cleans her up. He takes her to her room and lays her down in her bed.

Cold's pov

I've never seen Sara so weak before she could barley walk to get up out of bed. I really hope our fates aren't coming true. What if she's pregnant even after I've tried to prevent anything like that happening. She's suppose to fall pregnant in 2018 not 2016! What do I do! I think I might start to go like crazy if I don't get an answer soon. I knew us doing what we did when we traveled to 2018 was a terrible idea. I couldn't help it though she was just so beautiful and majestic. I love her so much but I don't want to hurt her. She's been through so much. First she was killed, then brought back to life and has a crazy blood lust. She's losing her self. She can barely control her lust when on missions. If she is pregnant it wouldn't just affect her and me it would affect the entire team.

Cold is in the hallway when Ray stops him. "Hey how is she?" Ray asks.

  "I'm not sure but she'll be okay I'm sure of it. She's stronger than any of us." Cold responds.

 "That's good and I'm sorry for trying to make you understand Rip's point of view about you know the whole situation and all." Ray says apologizing to Cold.

 "It's fine. I get it you don't want the team falling apart. Neither do I but what he may possibly do in 2 yrs from now can not be ignored." Cold explains and forgives Ray.

Ray nods his head in agreement and Cold walks off. This tragedy could actually be bringing the team closer but Ray doesn't feel that way he just like always wants everything to be rainbows, sun shines, and unicorns. In the mean time Cold was in his room freaking out about Sara. It is midnight when everyone hears a scream come from Sara's room. Cold is immediately up and anyone who saw him could saw that at that moment he was faster than the flash. It took him absolutely no time to get to her room and be by her side. "Hey I'm here your okay now. Shhh, It's all okay." Cold says comforting her as he runs a hand through her hair. Eventually every one is huddled around the door to see what had happened, but the only person missing other than Mick is Rip. Rip just stayed in his room with a bottle of whiskey. "Kendra! Can you watch her for a minute while I get her a glass of water?" Cold asks standing up.

     "Sure thing." Kendra answers and pushes her way through everyone and sits on the bed next to Sara.

  As Cold is leaving he yells at everyone to go back to bed and that Sara will be okay. That day everyone either got closer or grew farther apart. Sara closer to Cold. Cold and Ray a little closer. Rip is probably the one furthest from everyone. He is not willing to save everyone on the team all he cares about is Sara, but even some have to wonder why he didn't come running for Sara like Cold did. If he really did care they all figured he'd be there in an instance but he wasn't. He didn't even bother asking about what had happened it was like he stopped caring for anything and everyone. Ray had also finally learned that being a team meant sacrifice and dedication both in which Cold had. Ray could tell that just because Cold acted so distance from everyone didn't mean he wouldn't protect the team. 

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