Shot at Dusk

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              It is a cold morning on the ship and Sara is sitting in the window wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. "How are you feeling?" Cold asks as he approaches her.

    "Fine other than the whole morning sickness." Sara responds with a quiet shy voice which is unusual for her. She generally spoke loudly and always wanted her opinion to be heard.

  "We're going on a mission and they kind of need me. Will you be okay alone?" Cold asks hoping she would just say yes and not protest about being left out, but knowing Sara she would have to be heard and would refuse to be left out in any action.

    "I want a come with!" She says springing to her feet and standing tall with one hand holding the blanket over her shoulders and the other hand resting on her still flat stomach.

  "Not with your condition." Cold says very firmly as he steps closer to her and he has to look down a little to be eye level with her. Sara shoots him a look of I'm not helpless. "I mean it's not safe for the baby." Cold says knowing Sara would go on about hows she's pregnant and not helpless.

     "I promise I'll stay out of harms way." Sara says begging Cold. Cold tilts his head and stares at her with a look that tells her he knows that she loves to fight and can't resist it no matter what. Sara and him stare at each other for a while before he finally gives in.

  "Fine you can come..."

  "I'm sensing a but..." Sara says staring at him with a pouty face.

   "But the second there is any danger you are to run for your life. Understand?" Cold says crossing his arms and gives Sara a very serious look.

  "Fine." Sara responds with a bit of attitude.

    Sara and Cold join the others outside the ship and Rip goes over the plan. Sara, Cold, and Kendra will find hiding places in case there is a need for backup. Stein and Jax will turn into Firestorm and help Ray distract Savage while Rip sabotages Savage's transportation to a very important meeting. The meeting will lead to Savage taking over an entire company that will give him tons of power.Kendra and Cold hide behind an old abandoned tool shed. Sara joins them too, but Cold orders her to stay behind him. Surprisingly Sara actually listened and did as Cold ordered her to do. The mission was almost complete when Rip got caught sabotaging Savage's transportation. He was caught by one of Savage's guards. A fight began to break out and Cold and Kendra realized that the others wouldn't be able to handle it on their own so the two of them joined the fight. Things may have already seemed to get messy already, but things didn't get extremely messy until one of Savage's guard pointed a gun at Cold. Without thinking Sara jumped out in front of Cold and took the bullet for him. Cold immediately stopped fighting and caught Sara in his arms. She was shot right in the chest near her heart. Cold panicked and took off his jacket to try to stop the bleeding, but couldn't. He picked her up in his arms and ran through the fight, dodged bullets, and even hit a few guards just to get Sara back to ship and into the med bay. When he got there he immediately ordered Gidion to do a scan and to fix Sara as fast as she could. Gidion did exactly that. An hour later the everyone else came back to the ship. Cold was standing next to the bed Sara was a sleep in. She and baby were both fine and Cold was now never ever gonna give into Sara's begging ever again even if she could flip him onto the floor with no problem. Cold had to admit he had never been so scared in his life before. He cared for her so much and he never ever wanted her to get hurt especially not like that ever again.

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