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Sara was in the weapon room getting ready for the mission that would most likely kill Rip when Mick walked in.

"We're going after him and your staying here." Mick demands in his usual gruff voice.

"He killed Leo!"

"I know and we will bring him back after we are done with Rip, but right now you are pregnant with his child. I won't let you do anything stupid that will get you and that baby killed." Mick responds in a softer tone than usual.

legends of tomorrow"Why did he kill Leonard?" Sara asks with hate in her eyes.

"Sara, you need to pull it together. Your losing your humanity. If that happens you will be living in darkness all over again. Do you want that again?" Mick tries to bring Sara back to her humanity.

Sara then places her hand on her small bump and looks down at it, "No, I just want Leo back," She finally answers as tears flood her eye sight and everything begins to become blurry.

"Then you and me are gonna have to work together. I'll watch your back and you watch mine, okay. We're gonna have to keep each other in check." Mick explains to Sara.

"Fine, we'll work together." Sara agrees with Mick's plan.

"Good, now we better get ready to take Rip down." Mick says as Sara reaches for a knife and sticks down inside her boot.

A few hours later.

Sara and Mick are hiding behind an old building while they give Ray and Firestorm the single that they have eyes on Rip. They then move on his position and Mick sneaks up behind Rip and attempts to knock him out with his gun. It doesn't work though, because Rip catches nicks wrist and keeps him from knocking him out.

"Team move out now!" Ray demands and him and Firestorm go to move in.

That is until Rip taises them both and heads toward Sara.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Mick yells in Rip's face as he stands in front of Sara blocking her from the jerk.

Rip of course doesn't listen and knocks Mick out with his own gun. He then grabs Sara by her arm.

"Let me go! You son of a...."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you." Rip snaps back with a hiss in his voice.

Rip then forcefully makes Sara leave with him. He leaves the others unconscious on the ground with out even looking back at what he had done. It was like he had no remorse once so ever.

A few hours later.

Leonard is shaking Mick awake while the others are already awake. Mick then swings at Leonard as he awakes, but Leonard dodges it.

"So who wants explain where my canary is?" Leonard asks as the others give each other looks that just gives the entire story away.

"As long as you explain how your still alive." Mick says with his gruff voice as he starts to get off the ground.

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