Here comes the Heartache

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Sara and Leo are sound asleep next to each other when Mick awakes them.

"There's a woman outside. She has dark hair and Asian tone skin. She said she was looking for you Sara." Mick explains to a still half a sleep Sara and Leo.

Sara jumps up out of the bed and heads to the main control room. There she sees Nyssa.

"Nyssa?" Sara questions as she steps over to the other woman and looks her in the eye. It was as if there was still unresolved feelings. You could tell by the gaze in both of the women's stare.

Leo eventually made it to the room, but stayed back out of sight. He could tell the two were more than just friends and that they have history together.

"Yes Sara it's really me and I can tell you have a little one on the way." Nyssa notices Sara's baby bump.

"Yeah, guess my bump is noticeable now." Sara then smiles up at Nyssa as they lose themselves in each others gaze.

It was as if Leo wasn't even there. He couldn't take it anymore. He was getting so jealous and just wanted to spill out all his thoughts and feelings to Sara, the beautiful woman that he fell in more love with each passing day and hour. Leonard would suffer the most painful slowest death if it meant his Sara would get to live another day.

Sara and Nyssa then leaned in close to each other and just like poor poor Leo had thought, they locked lips. He could feel his world fall to pieces as the kiss grew more passionate every passing second. He wanted to leave, but something inside him wouldn't let him stop watching the tortuous sight that would haunt him forever in his dreams and thoughts. Why was this happening to him? Yes, he's done terrible things before, but why him? His heart in that moment shattered to more than a million pieces.

Sara then pulled out of the kiss leaving Nyssa a bit confused to why.

"I can't do this Nyssa. I'm with Leo. We're having a baby together and I love him more than anything. I'm sorry, but this can't ever happen again." Sara snapped as she ran off to her room leaving Nyssa all alone.

Leonard was glad Sara backed out, but also knew she was lying. He saw the way they lost themselves in each other and didn't want to take that away from Sara. He loved her to much. He wanted her to be happy, even if it killed him inside. Why does love hurt so much? Maybe it was the letting go part? Why was letting go so hard though? Leo just dropped to his knees as tears rolled down his cheeks. It pained him so much. He Just wanted to hold Sara and never let her go.

Sara was curled up on her bed as she quietly cried. What was she thinking? Her and Nyssa couldn't be together. For God sake she was about to be a mother. She shouldn't be doing the whole cheating thing right now! She couldn't help it though the gaze her and Nyssa shared. She just lost herself. How was she going to tell Leo about this? Should she tell Leo? Maybe she could just forget it ever happened?

All of a sudden there is a knock at Sara's door and Nyssa let's herself in.

"I'm sorry." Are the only words Nyssa are able to say.

"For what?" Sara asks.

"For this." Nyssa then kisses Sara and pins her against the wall. She kisses down her neck as Sara moans from the pleasure.

"Nyssa!" Sara calls out and Nyssa places a hand on Sara's lower back as it slowly moves downward.

Mick is then walking pass Sara's room and can see everything between the crack of the door.

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