What the H***?!?!?!

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It has been a week since Snart has seen the unspeakable, at least to him it was the unspeakable.  Even Mick feels sorry for his partner in crime. Mick knew Snart never thought of having a family or even ever finding love, but when he met Sara that all changed. He only ever thought of a future with her and of course money. I mean he's a crook, but even the villains deserve happiness after all they are often tortured the most. Why can't he just be happy for once without something or SOMEONE getting in the way!!! He hated it so much, but he stayed quiet just for Sara. He wanted her to be happy and if that meant being hurt in the worst way ever then he'd handle ever ounce of the pain that ached his breaking heart. 

Snart was sitting in the maintenance room when Sara walked in. She had her arms wrapped around her now bigger belly. 

"Ray told me why you're being so distance. I know what I did was wrong. I'm sorry, Snart." Sara apologizes as she begins to tear up.

"Don't worry about it, Assassin. I'm fine." Snart then glares over at Sara with his usual look.

"No, you're not! Snart you saw me kiss Nyssa! You are not fine!" 

Snart then stands up and walks over to Sara. He grabs Sara by her lower back and places a hand behind her head pulling her in for a very passionate kiss. Snart pushes her up against the wall and kisses down her neck.

Sara's Pov

Why are things getting so messy first Snart, then Nyssa, and now I'm back with Snart!? Oh God I need to figure things out!

Sara then backs out.

"I can't do this now. I need to figure everything out."

Snart then just nods his head and Sara begins to walk away, but before she could walk completely out she grabbed her stomach in pain and collapsed to the ground as she screamed in misery. Snart rushed to her side and immediately picked her up carrying her to the med-bay. When he reached the med-bay he layed her down on the bed and demanded Gideion find out what's wrong.

"I'm sorry Mr. Snart, but there appears to be nothing wrong." Snart hears Gideion say.

"She's screaming in pain and holding her stomach as tightly as possible!!! Are you sure she's FINE!?!?!?!"

"I'll check again." Gideion offers.

Snart then looks down at a Sara who looks afraid, weak, and just in the worst pain ever. He could see her beautiful bright blue eyes stare into his own. All he could see was fear in those eyes that he loved so much and he couldn't even help ease the pain or minimize the fear she felt. He had never ever seen Sara look so darn afraid before, like never.

"I love you Sara and I will always love you. You know that right?" Snart asks and he just gets a simple smile meaning "yes".

"It appears Miss Lance has gone into labor." Gideion announces and Snart and Sara both look at each other with wide eyes filled with shock and a little bit of fear.

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