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Sara lay in pain on the bed in the med-bay as Snart held her hand tightly as his other hand ran through her hair.

"I'm scared Lenny," Sara looks up at him with eyes that were once full of courage and strength but are now filled with terror and pain. He hated seeing her in any kind of pain especially when it was this excruciating.

"It's gonna be okay. I've got you. Everything is going to be fine," He assures her but really he wasn't sure either if things would be all right. He was cool on the outside but on the inside his mind was spinning, his heart felt like it would burst, and he was just about to completely lose it right there and then. That's when the rest of the team finally made it to the med-bay.

"What is going on in here?" Stein basically wines and he gets the "are you stupid or something" look from Jax.

"Obviously Sara's in early labor." Jax exclaims with a hint of "Know it all."

"Who's she?" Sara asks noticing a woman behind Mick with a weak voice.

"That's Amaya. She is gonna be with us for a while," Ray half explains without saying why.

"Ahhhhh!" Sara screams as her labor intensifies and Snart's attention automatically goes to the beautiful independent woman he fell harder for each waking moment, "I can't. I can't do this," she cries and Snart plants a kiss on her forehead as he lays her head on him while he runs his hand continuously through her crazy but yet gorgeous blonde hair.

"Gideon, exactly how far is Miss Lance from delivering?" Stein asks with his usual voice that made Mick want to smash something and anything.

"We need to get her ready now. We'll need another woman to help with the procedure and materials like blankets, a bowl of water, towels, and something to cut the cord." Gideon orders and Amaya steps forward, you know her being the only other woman there and all.

Stein and the others then head out of the room while Ray goes to find the materials they need for the delivery.

"Okay Sara I'm gonna have to take... your" Amaya kinda says in a question like manner a little unsure of everything and completely out of her comfort zone. She's never delivered a baby before and never thought she would have to, but turns out she thought wrong. At least Sara was basically dying to have the baby already even though she was two months early. 

"Amaya? Right?" Snart asks in his snarky tone of a complete a**hole.

"Let me guess you knocked her up and now your trying to be a good person by stepping up even though your a total jack*ss!" Amaya then smirks and goes back to handling Sara when Ray walks in.

"I got everything," Ray announces in his usual way of "Mr. Sunshine."

"Hand me the blanket," Amaya orders and Ray hands it to her. She throws the blanket over Sara's legs to cover her up before sliding her pants off.

Snart then begins to say something and Amaya gets a very annoyed look on her face, "You know I have and always will care for her and I may be what you would call a jack*ss or a complete a**sshole but I have never EVER treated Sara wrongly. So, you can stop making assumptions about me now. Okay?"

"Shut up and get this out of me!" Sara barks out as loud as possible while pulling a knife out from somewhere in what of her outfit she had left on and tosses it at Ray's head, but purposely missing, "And get this d*nm sweater off of me!"

"You heard the lady," Ray's bubbly self jokes and Snart helps her out of her sweater leaving her in only her bra.

"Miss Lance can now begin to push whenever she is ready," Gideon says letting the four of them know and with that Sara immediately spreads her legs and pushes as hard her small framed self could.

Outside the Med-bay

"I can't believe Miss Lance is about to be a mother," Stein says as he stares off into space shocked that an assassin who was formerly dead and has a crazy blood lust was on the other side of the door giving birth to something so innocent and gentle. He could've sworn he was having some kind of one of those bazaar dreams you would have from having to much sugar or caffeine before bed.

Mick on the other hand was pacing back and forth sweating like how a marathon runner would just after all the running, "What if something goes wrong? She's only seven months along and in labor and I'm pretty sure you have to be at least nine months before having the freaking baby!"

"Mr. Rory do you actually care?" Stein asks and Jax just looks at Stein like he's some kind of insensitive jerk or something.

"That's my partner's girl in  there having their child way before it's suppose to be born! So yeah I guess I do care! Got a problem with that old man?!"

"Can we please just not argue and all calm down," Jax gets in the middle of the two keeping Mick from squashing Stein to thousand pieces if not more.

"Sara push!" Amaya yells out in frustration with Sara.

Sara then pushes as hard as she can, "Sara! I said push!" Amaya barks out getting worried about what was wrong that Sara couldn't get the baby anywhere closer to being out. She was basically still at the same progress she was at the start of all this drama.

"What if something's wrong?" Ray asks looking like he might just start to cry.

"Sara come on baby you have to. Just focus. You've got this just try again," Snart whispers into Sara's ear as he wipes sweat off her face and she pushes again and like the last other tries barely anything.

"Sara! Push the god d*nm baby out know!" Amaya barks and Sara begins to cry from frustration while shaking her head back and forth repeating the same words over again.

"I can't, I can't, I can't," Sara repeats as tears pour down her soft cheeks and down to her neck. Her eyes become blurred and it's like all hope had died inside of her.

"What do we do know?" Ray questions while wiping a few tears from his cheek and eyes. This was all too confusing and frustrating for the lovable kind of guy who wanted everything to just go perfectly smoothly without all the scary drama that he hated.

"I don't know," Amaya responds, "Gideon what can we do know?"

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