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"It appears we would need to get Miss Lance into a warm tub of water and have her in a squatting position while she begins to push again," they hear Gideon answer their question.

"Snart you grab Sara and me and Ray will grab the materials needed."

Snart then gently picks up Sara with the blanket still covering her while Ray rushes out of the med-bay to the bathroom to get the tub ready and just gets a bunch of confused looks from Jax, Stein, and Mick. Amaya then follows after Ray running too.

"What's going on!?" Stein asks a little worried.

"You better not hurt anyone of them!" Mick shouts and Jax just stands there with his jaw dropped.

Snart then comes out of the med-bay hurrying but taking his time with Sara, "A few complications have occurred if you're all wondering."

When he reaches the tub it is already filled. He ditches the blanket as he sits Sara into the tub before throwing his shoes off and joining in behind Sara to hold her steady since she was so weak she could barely hold herself up. Ray like a small child and respectable man covered his eyes since Sara no longer had anything covering her except a bra.

Amaya then does the same as Snart to help deliver the baby, "Okay Sara push!"

Sara gives a huge push and Amaya notices that Sara is having an easier time than before but still the progression was slow.

"Again Sara!"

Sara pushes again a little harder this time, " I see the head," Amaya announces and every one becomes relieved.

A little while later Sara is done pushing and Amaya cuts the cord.

"It's a boy," Amaya announces while wrapping the small tiny baby in a soft delicate blanket as the new born cries as loud as it could. Which is a good sign of a strong baby, but of course with him being born early and all he would have to be watched closely and special care and all which was perfectly fine with the new mother. She just wanted to hold the infant as closely as she could and never let go.

"So what's his name?" Ray asks still covering his eyes as a very respectable man would since Sara wasn't covered back up yet.

"Anthony Leonard Snart," Sara says gazing at the infant's ice blue eyes.

Then out of no where they see a blur that looks like the Flash's blur but different and when it's gone their son is gone too leaving blank faces on everyone and Sara looked scared as h*ll.

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