A Cold heart Love

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This chapter wasn't just written by me. I had help from @Winchestergirl25 who gave me ideas for this chapter. Thanks again @Winchestergirl25. :) This chapter will be dedicated to you. :)

Everyone was waiting outside the med bay. They all wanted Sara to wake up soon. They had been waiting all night and Cold hadn't took his eyes off of Sara since the incident. He hated that she loved him so much that she would put her life in danger just for him. He never thought that he deserved her love, even though he had always desperately wanted it. He was a criminal and she deserved better than a thief. Cold had always cared for her though, but he knew better than to fall for someone he couldn't have. He couldn't help it though he had fallen for her. Her eyes were full of life, the way she fought, her gracefulness, and her sense of sarcasm all made him fall for her even harder each day. Cold was lost in thought when Sara woke. He jolted to his feet and ran over to her as fast as he could.

"What happened?!" Sara asks confused and scared.

"Hey, I'm here it's okay. You were shot, but you and the baby are alright now." Cold explains to her in a comforting tone as he takes her into his arms.

"You all may take the day off if you like." Rip says as he enters the med bay.

"Are you sure?" Ray asks confused looking.

"Yes, Sara was shot and you all look exhausted. Take the day off." Rip responds back and leaves the room.

The team all go back to their rooms now knowing that Sara will be okay. After all she does have the one and only Leonard Snart who would die for her. When everyone leaves the med bay Cold then gives Sara a look that tells her she is in serious trouble.

"What?" She then asks knowing the look he is giving her.

"We need to talk about you going on missions." He responds in his usual tone.

"I can handle myself, Leonard."

"You took a bullet for me." He says staring at her with eyes of fury.

"Why are you making such a big deal about it?! I'm fine now aren't I!!!" Sara yells at Snart with anger in her eyes.

"I don't care if you are now! It's the fact that you weren't okay when I brought you on the ship! For God sake's Sara you were shot right near your heart! You could've died! Along with our child! Oh my god, Sara, I love you!" He yells back before he lets his face fall into the palm of his hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize that. I'll stay away from missions for now on. I promise." Sara responds in a low soft voice full of guilt and shame. She then walks over to Cold and puts a hand on his shoulder. In that moment Cold looks up at her and plants a kiss on her soft lips. The kiss turns into a much more passionate one within a few seconds. They then brake apart.

"Thank you." Cold responds to her response and they then begin to kiss each other again. The kiss then turns into much more and they both end up on the med bay bed. Sara is on top of Snart as she kisses down his neck. They are then interrupted by Jax who is just standing in the door way shocked looking.

"Sorry?" Jax says in a question like tone not sure if he is seeing things right.

"Your fine, Jax." Sara says while getting off of Snart.

"No he's not! He just barged in while we were busy." Snart responds in his usual tone of sarcasm.

"I just came to check something for Rip that's all." Jax responds in a tone of embarrassment. It was pretty awkward for him though. Seeing an assassin and crook making out was not something he thought he would ever see, yet alone them having a baby together was crazy enough. Everything at that moment was just pure awkwardness.

"Well why don't you go and tell Rip that we're a bit busy at the moment." Snart suggests in a jerk like kind of tone.

"I'll just be a minute." Jax says as he walks over to the thing he has to check for Rip, which was one of the machines.

"How 'bout me and you go somewhere quieter." Snart says as he looks over at Sara with his blue eyes that makes her want him even more.

Snart then begins to walk out and Sara follows him to his room on the ship. He then lays her down on the bed and then he lays on top of her. They begin to kiss again as his hands pin her to the bed.

Kendra and Ray are arguing in the food room when Jax walks in on them.

"Why do I keep walking in on every one. First it was Sara and Snart now you two." Jax then sighs throwing his hands in the air and walks out.

Kendra and Ray then continue arguing.

"I don't love him anymore, Ray!" Kendra shouts as tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

"Then explain the way you look at him. You and Carter are destined to be together. Just admit it." Ray argues back but keeps a calm tone not wanting to upset Kendra.

"Ray, you don't actually believe that do you?" Kendra asks in a sympathetic tone as she steps closer.

"No, don't I don't wanna here it." Ray says in a firm kind of a demanding tone as he steps back from Kendra before walking out.

Sara and Leonard are both laying in his bed under the covers with absolutely nothing on.

"I wish every day would be like this." Sara says as her fingers dance on Snart's chest.

"I do too, but lets just enjoy today." Snart responds with a smirk and they begin to kiss again with Sara on top of him this time.

Everyone enjoyed the day off or they either used it to talk about their personal issues. Only if they had more days like that. Sara and Snart had lay down ground rules and Ray and Kendra talked about their relationship. Rip was right to give his team a day off. They truly needed it and enjoyed it. What will happen next was completely out of Sara and Snart's thoughts. They just wanted to enjoy the day and to be with each other. Snart would never ever let Sara back on another mission as long as she was still carrying his child. Life was good. Then there was a sound of guns going off. Sara and Snart immediately got dressed. Sara stayed behind though while Snart and the others went to see what happened. They were to late though Kendra was dead and who ever killed her was gone. Then out of no where Snart is shot from behind and when he turns around he sees Rip with a gun that is pointed at him.

"I'm sorry but Sara deserves better." Rip says.

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