When the World comes Crashing Down

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Sara comes running out of Cold's room and sees that Cold and Kendra are both dead. She runs over to Cold's body that lays limp on the cold hard floor.

"No, no, no! He can't be! No! Leonard Snart, you have to wake up this second! Now!" Sara weeps as she shakes Cold and then just lays her head on his chest not wanting to ever leave him or lose him.

"Sara....? We need to go were in danger." Ray explains in a quiet tone knowing how hurt she is to see Cold like that. He then extends a hand out for her to take, but she just pushes it away.

"I won't leave him!" Sara yells with anger and hate. The sadness had turned into anger. This was something that everyone feared. Sara had been hurt enough and this was it. This was crossing the line.

"Rip is gonna die for this!" Jax yells as he stands there in tears that his friends were dead now and that everyone else left alive would be hurting from this loss.

Sara then jumps up and she has a certain look in her eyes. It was like when she came out of the Lazarus pit. You could see no soul. She was dead inside. She then begins to walk away off the ship.

"Miss Lance! Where are you going?" Stein asks a bit worried.

"I gonna kill the jerk that killed the man I loved." Sara says in tone that would send shivers down your spine.

Mick then walks onto the ship.

"Where were you, Mick?" Ray asks.

"Dealing with time masters and you are not leaving. It's too dangerous for you and the baby!" Mick explains and yells towards Sara in his gruff voice as he grabs Sara by her arm keeping her from leaving.

"Let me go!" Sara yells as she tries to fight back.

"Ray we need a plan to stop, Rip. NOW!" Mick demands.

"I think we should just find him and kill him or at least bring him to justice." Ray explains.

"Sounds good to me." 

Mick then lets Sara go and she returns to Leonard's dead body.

"We have to bring him back! Please! I need him!" Sara weeps as she looks up at Mick with her eyes full of tears.

"Don't worry we will. I'm not just gonna lose a partner like that." Mick says to Sara in a comforting tone as he looks her straight in the eyes. He then wraps his arms around her small frame.

Ray just stands there staring at Kendra before running off to his room with his eyes full of tears and just misery. No one had seen this coming they had just lost two beloved friends. 

"Mick?" Sara asks looking up at him again.

"It's gonna be okay, stay strong. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise, assassin." Mick vows to Sara and then glances over at the lifeless body that was once his friend. Leonard was the closest thing he had to family, so wasn't Sara. She was like a baby sister to him and Leonard was like a brother. He thought he would never have that but with those two he did.

"So when we gonna kill this jerk?!" Jax asks with frustration and anger.

"Tomorrow night." Sara answers looking up at Jax with the look in her eyes everyone knew. It was like she had shut all her humanity off like when she came out of the Lazarus pit. You could see no soul. This was the beginning of a war. A war between old friends who were now enemies. There is no way anyone could benefit from it. Especially, Sara, she was already losing herself to the hate, anger, and bloodlust. How could she every recover from this? Is it possible for her to do so without Leonard being there? Could they bring Leonard back? If they did would it be too late to save Sara? No one knew the answers to these questions. They didn't even have the slightest clue of what they were getting themselves into. Who knew what Rip was planning. They would just have to wait and see.

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