Losing Hope

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Sara woke up the next morning in a dark cell. She had been thrown in there the night before, but she was awake when it happened. She must have been so tired that she fell asleep on the cold, dirty, hard ground.

"Good your up. I was beginning to worry." Sara hears a familiar voice call out from the darkness.

"Rip? Let me go!" Sara yells out as tears begin to poor down her face and she charges at the cage bars like a wild animal does when trying to escape.

"Lets get one thing clear I had to kill him! If I didn't you would die!" Rip explains to Sara.

"I don't care! I loved Leo! Now he's gone, because of you!"

"I still don't understand what you ever saw in that, crook." Rip spats out that gets him a hateful look full of anger from Sara.

"The others will find me and they'll kill you!" Sara argues.

"I love you Sara! Can't you see that!" Rip admits and has a bit of a crazy look in his eyes that scares Sara.

"Your insane! Rip, pull it together!"

Back on the ship.

Leonard, Ray, Mick, Jax, and Stein are all trying to figure out a plan to save Sara as Leonard explains how he's still alive.

"There was a women by the name Nyssa and that's all I remember. I woke up later with her by my side. She said she only saved me for someone she loved." Leonard explains to everyone.

"Ya, think she and Sara used to be a thing?" Mick asks in a joking manner.

"We need to find her now." Leonard demands as he stands up and heads for his room.

"So, Ray how you holding up. She's gone you know that right?" Mick says to Ray in a calm tone.

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Ray snaps back and gets up and leaves.

Sara is sitting back in the dark corner of the cell she's being held in as she wraps her arms around her small but noticeable bump. She was terrified and felt all alone like there was no one that knew the pain she felt every day. She could feel her humanity slip away inch by inch as the days went by. When were the others gonna come? How much longer til she went back to her blood lust? Sara was losing it and the only thing that kept her humane was the small unborn baby she was carrying. She had to be strong for the baby. The days got longer as they went by.

Then one night she heard guns and screaming. Out of the darkness then appeared Leonard Snart. He broke the lock on the cage and ran over to her.

"Leonard?" Sara asks as Leo wipes a tear from her cheek.

"I'll explain later, but yeah it's really me."

They then kiss and he carries her out as they and the team make it out to the waverider.

Leo took Sara to her room to let her sleep.

"Please don't go." Sara begs.

Leo then lays down next to the woman he admired a little bit more each day. He would destroy an entire world if it meant keeping her and the baby safe.

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