Where Is Anthony?!

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Everyone looked around confused, scared, and Sara looked like her very own heart had been ripped out.

"Where...? How...?" Sara mumbles out as tears threaten to fall and tries to stand up but is still weak so she almost falls down. Luckily Snart was still behind her and managed to catch her.

"Let's get you dried off," Amaya says as she helps Sara out of the tub and helps her dry off and then helps Sara to the med-bay to sleep and be monitored.

"We have to find him! NOW!" Snart barks out and heads to the study room to see if he can see any disturbances in the timeline that could help them find Anthony.

"There!" Mick points out on map, "1878, California."

"Why is he there?" Snart hears a weak voice and turns around to see a still weak Sara, but you could see the fire in her eyes. He hurried over next to her and helped her to a chair.

1878 California

Eobard walks into an old abandoned warehouse with Anthony carefully wrapped in a blanket. The warehouse  seemed to be cleaned up, but it still looks a little shabby. There are two other men there known as Malcolm Merlin and Damien Darhk that both stare at him and the baby confused.

"What is this?!?!" Malcolm barks out at Eobard.

"Now were babysitting?" Damien also complains with some sarcasm.

"Trust me. This little monster is quite important to the timeline." Eobard teases making the other big baddies give him looks of curiosity and disbelief.

"Just how important?" Malcolm questions getting a bit concerned with what the 'boss' was up to.

"And exactly who are his parents?" Damien questions next stepping closer to Eobard.

"Sara Lance and Leonard Snart and he is very important," Eobard smirks at his 'friends' more like puppets, because you know that bad guys don't have friends.

Malcolm and Damien exchange looks of concern and stare directly at him, "Sara Lance?" They both say in unison as if they both know her or of her.

"And when you say 'MONSTER' exactly what do you mean?" Malcolm steps over to Eobard and takes the baby from him looking him over and then back to staring at Eobard.

"So, you both seem like you know of Sara Lance and how she used to be a crazy psychopath on a blood lust rampage."

"Yeah," Both Damien and Malcolm say in unison getting a slight idea of where this was going.

"Anthony here takes after his father when it comes to crime, but later that gets him in trouble and ends up on the pathway his mother took."

"You're sure?" Malcolm questions looking at the infant with a bit of sympathy.

"Yes," Eobard firmly answers getting annoyed.

"You're not getting attached are you? Malcolm?!" Damien teases noticing the way Malcolm was looking at the baby.

"What?! No. I just noticed how much he looked like his mother..." Damien looks at Malcolm in concern, "Who I took pleasure in killing and I also ruined her whole life," Malcolm states noticing the looks the others where giving him.


"Why aren't we time jumping yet!?!?!" Snart basically yells at the top of his lungs.

"You want to do that now?" Ray states and Snart gives him the death stare.


"I just thought with Sara not being in the best shape at the moment it would be a bad idea."

"It's fine Ray! I just need my baby back!" Sara snaps and Ray prepares to take off.


"So how do you plan on keeping the parents from coming after us?" Damien asks looking at Eobard like he's an idiot.

"Oh I have that taken care of already," Eobard smirks.


The team go to take off, but the waverider barely budges.

"What's wrong! Why aren't we going yet!" Snart yells.

"There appears to be something stopping us...." Ray begins, "We can't leave."

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