Chapter 16: Silence

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I got to kiss the Beautiful Yn. Dang she was a good kisser. I felt sparks in our kiss. We were meant to be together. We were still going at it and then all of a sudden she pushed me away.


She looked at me with a "What have I done" Face.

Me: You want me to go? Yea I think ill leave

Yn: *Silence*

I walked out of the room.



What the fuck have I done. My relationship with Ray is over. I have to tell him and he's gonna be all pissed and I don't know what else he will do. if I don't tell Ray its gonna be even worse.

I sat on the bed thinking like I can't believe I just kissed some boy I just met. I really felt like I could trust him. I never kissed a boy on the first day i met them that's just awkward and hoe like but it was something about him.

I heard footsteps come up the stairs as they came closer to the door. Ray came through the door.

Me: Ray

Ray: Yes?

Me: We need to talk.

Ray: About what

Me: can we just talk

Ray: okay

Me: lets talk in the car ride please

I didn't want him trying to whoop Craig's ass if I told him so let us get away from that situation.

I walked out the room passing by rooms were I heard people snoring. I was gonna go say bye To Kaisa Jacob Chresanto and Traces, But Chresanto and traces where snoring and Kaisa and Jacob were moaning. I didn't wanna interrupt neither of them.

I went downstairs and saw that Craig was sitting in the couch with his head in his hands.

Ray: You alright bro? you still upset about that girl

Craig: No not really just thinking

He looked up at me and I stared back at him

Me: baby come on let's go *pushes Ray*

We got I the car and buckled our seatbelt's.

Ray: So what is it that you wanted to tell me

Me: Ray please drive off before I tell you this

Ray started driving away from Kaisas house.

Me: Baby please forgive me after this

Ray: Okay just tell me

Me: You promise your gonna Forgive me after this

Ray: baby just talk *Giggles*

Me: We'll I kissed Craig well it was more like Craig kissed me but I kissed back

Ray: *Silence*

Me: Ray

Ray: *Silence*

I could tell Ray was angry he started to drive faster and his ace expression started to change.

Me: Ray *Screams starts to cry*

Ray: I can't believe you

Me: I can't believe me either

We stopped at a red light.

Ray: How could you do this to me *Looked at me*

Me: *Crying* See now you know what it feels like when you know the love of your life might just love someone else or is seeing someone else. Actually it's no where close to what I felt like Ray. in coming clean to you and It took you 8 months to tell me the real deal. Now your having a child and it's not even mine. *Cries

Ray: *Drives in silence*

I turned to the window as a tear fell from my eye.

Finally I was home I just opened the door without looking back at Ray or saying anything to him.

Then I felt a cold hand pull my arm as I was getting ready to leave.

I looked back to see Ray in tears.

Ray: Yn I love you

Ray pulled me In closer to him and kissed me passionately.

We were done.

Me: I love you to Ray

I got out the car and went to the door as I pulled my keys out and unlocked the doors. I turned around and saw Ray smiling I smiled back and closed the door.


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