Chapter 11: DOUBLE DATE?????

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Yn and I were on our way to Red lobster for our double date with her friend Kaisa and her boyfriend Jacob. I was driving and i looked to the side of me and i noticed how beautiful Yn look. She looks beautiful Everyday but there was something different about her today.

It was 8:55pm and we reached our destination at Red Lobster.

I saw Kaisa and her boyfriend and another couple. I was confused i though this was a DOUBLE date not triple.

Kaisa: Oh you guys made it

Yn: Yea..Whos that?

Kaisa: Oh thats Traces and Chresanto

Ray: Hey Chresanto

I reached out my hand and he shook it he had a hard grip man he was strong.

Chresanto: Hey man

Ray: Hi Traces

I reached my hand out again and she just looked at my hand.

I pulled my hand back.

Ray: Oooh

Ray: So how come they are here if it is a DOUBLE date

Kaisa: Because i thought you guys wouldnt make it but you guys did so hey....

Ray: Hey?

Kaisa: Anyways I guess its a Triple Date *Smiled*

Yn: Thats fine *smiles*



We sat at a Table at the back of the Red Lobster. How racist. We began to talk.

Chresnato: So what do you do at your job Ray?

I looked the other way im gonna be really embarassed whatever comes out this boys mouth.

Ray: .....Loving Yn Loving my baby *Turns to me and smiles*

Yes ma baby saved us from being embarassed it didnt sound to bad.

Traces: Thats so Sweet *Hits Chresanto* Why cant you be like that?

Chresanto: Maybe because you hit me all the time *Rubs arm*

Chresanto: So yn Do you want kids with Ray ?

Kaisa: Umm Chresanto i dont think you shoukd ask that thats so Person.... (GCO)

Yn: Yes yes i do

Ray was shocked to hear that he turned around and looked at me.

Chresanto: Look she wants kids

Traces: Im not ready Chresanto i just feel like to much is going on to add a baby to all of this

Ray: Well uumm

Traces: anyways Jacob why you acting so shy ?

Kaisa: Yea tell them all about your job Tell them everything

Jacob: well...(GCO)

Chresanto: I dont think we have time for that.

Traces: Dang let him speak

Jacob: no hes right *Laughs*

1 Hour and 15 Minutes LATER




The food was great we all decided that we were gonna head back to Kaisa/Jacob's house just for a lil while.





Wow Kaisa and Jacobs house was amazing it was so huge and fancy.

Kaisa: So what shall we do?

Jacob: I think we should watch a movie

Kaisa: does everybody agree on this?

EVERYBODY:Yea, Sure, Whatevs

We decided to watch a scary movie.

This was the order of how everyone was sitting: Chresanto, Traces, Kaisa, Jacob, Yn, Ray

The movie had just begun.

1 hour and some minutes later.

......•••• °°°°°.........••••°°°°°.........•••°°°

Kaisa was in Jacobs arms. Traces was sitting in top of Chresanto with her face in her chest And my head was on Rays shoulder and i was holding his hands.

Ray: Its over Traces You can get your face out of his chest *Laughs*

Traces: That was the scariest movie ever.

Kaisa: It really wasnt *Laughs*

Jacob: *Laughs* its kind of late you guys gonna go home this late?

Chresanto: Yea i think we should wait till the morning

Traces: Can we stay?

Kaisa: Sure take a bedroom

Chresanto and Traces ran upstairs.

Jacob: What about you two

Yn: We are gonna leave

Ray: no we arent were gonna stay

Yn: Okay whatever

Jacob: go choose a room.


ILL keep updating if you keep voting Bye


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