Chapter 9

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Yes i skipped a chapter but i wanna get to the ship so yeh. Also comment if u want me to make the 8th chapter which will be bascilly Chara/Frisk journey up until the 'judgement hall' mk? K. Now that we're done with that... here u go ^^
I didn't like it one bit. None of it. But Chara... she loved it. She made me. I couldn't stop her... but why did she go so far?
[CHARA'S   FLASHBACK    POV Frisk hated it. With every death she would run farther and farther away from it but somehow she could almost all ways see what was happening.]


Frisk~*Sniff* They were right to call you a monster!!

Chara~Shut up you little brat!! I'm coming up on someone else!

NOOOO!!! S-SANS!!!! Hes the only one left... no.. sans...

I ran. I was DETERMINED to get out of where ever i was.


I heard a sound almost like music. No!! She must be fighting Sans!!!! Oh god noo!!!!

I saw something ahead. It looked like a bright-bright doorway..

Frisk~*pant* I-Is that...

I didn't care what it was but as soon as i went through it there was a blind light and i was laying on the floor of the judgement hall. I got up and saw Chara and...


I was too late Chara had just hit him.


I ran over to him and knelt down by him.

Frisk~Sans.. please...

Sans~Hey… k-kiddo. O-oh... you're the r-real one.. glad i met you this timeline.

He was starting to turn to dust. I hugged him.


Sans~Whoa! S-She cut me down to the bone. Heh.

I stared at him.

Sans-Hey k-kiddo, *cough* let me tell you s-something..

Frisk~W-What is it Sans?

Sans~You know, w-we all end up remembering o-our other timeline.

Frisk~You do?

Sans~*cough* yep. And know thats the real y-*cough*


Tears fell to the floor.

Sans~… h-h-hey kiddo.. ..


Tears were now streaming from my eyes.

Frisk~Sans... please... dont.. go...
..i need you....

He was almost dust only hid head remained.

Frisk~Sans.. I-I.. I love you.... dont go...

He was dust. But something was different from the others something blue glowed from the dust. W-Whats that? It rose up and i realized what it was. His soul. I reached for it but as i did it cracked. Into thousands of pieces. No...

Frisk~no...No...NO.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

As i screamed Chara walked towards me with the knife, obviously going to kill me. But she was pushed back by something. I saw a blue tint next to me and i realized it was Sans.


Come on kiddo teach this ***** some MERCY.

I smiled.


I walked towards her and she grabbed her knife.

Frisk~I'm not going to hurt you Chara.

Chara~And how am i supposed to believe that?

Frisk~Trust me.


She ran off towards the are where Asgore was.

Frisk~Uh oh

I looked at the mist-which had now became the shape of Sans-and hugged it (pretend she was able to).

Frisk~Bye, Sans. See you when i reset.

Bye kid.

Im so proud. ;-;

inSANSity~Sans X FriskOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant