Chapter 11

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Away from Flashback Land and back to reality

Frisk POV

"So, we came to find you.""AND! Lemme say that it took forever!"Chara butted in. "Yea it kinda did..."I agreed. "Why don't you try hanging out in not so hard-to-find places?"Chara asked. "bEcAuSe ChIlD... tHeRE Are tOo MaNy ImbAsOiLs."Gaster replied. "Oh. Oka--"She cut herself off" NEVER SAY THAT IN FRONT OF FRISK AGAIN." She whisper-yelled. "You both know i can hear you right?" I was surprised that Chara forgot she wasn't my gaurdain or wait she kinda is. "Oh uhh... *clears throat* sorry about that Frisk. Heh.." "i KnEw BuT i DoNt ThInK tHaT ChARa fIgurEd ThAT OuT." Gaster snickered.

"Okay, okay clam down you
two." I tried to settle them but Chara (like always) wouldn't give up. "Yeah yeah. Anyways why did this smart*** come over?" I looked at her with a disapproving face. "I thought we talked about this." "Talked about what?" Chara wasn't having it. "I thought we talked about you calling him/anyone names." I looked at her sternly (almost like Toriel did.). "Chill out mom its just a little name calling. Its not hurting
anyone." She looked away from me. "NO calling him names when he's helping us with our stupid mistake. Now, apologize."

"Uhg. I'm sorry." She got up. "I'm gonna go get some food." She's more protective bit she can be so, baby-ish. I sighed. "WhAtS oN yOuR mInD chILd?" Gaster asked. "Its Chara.. she's so..." I tried to find the right word. "Two sided." "AnD wHy Do YoU tHiNk ThIs FrIsk?" "Well you just saw how over protective she can be." "YeS?" He was obviously waiting for more. "Well then she gets all... childish and its hard to get used to." I feel as though Chara can hear me so i lower my voice.
"WeLl i ThInK tHatS wHaT CoMes BeInG her FrIeNd." "Maybe.." I mutter.

This is what happens when i write one good one in a day then try and make another : a really ***** chapter. Yea! :I

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