Chapter 10

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(Not doing the 'Frisk~' thingy anymore. Mk? K. Still doing POV's though. Also the art isn't mine so I take no credit.)

I didn't like it one bit. None of it. But Chara... she loved it. She made me. I couldn't stop her... but why did she go so far?

Frisks Flashback

I hugged Sans' mist and told him, "See you after I reset. Bye Sans!" I heard him mutter bye kid then he was gone. I turned around and ran towards the room. As I entered Chara was just about to kill Asriel. "NOOOO!!!" I screamed and ran in front of the blow.

"Heh... looks like the hero's back." Chara scowled. "What reason to do have to save this trash?" Asriel was weepin that he didn't wanna die. "This was a terrible idea... im sorry.."I heard Asriel whisper. Chara turned back to Asriel. "What was that?" She gripped her knife."Frisk ill get to you after I kill this disgrace" Chara was about to rush at Asriel.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled pushing her back. "Leave Asriel alone!!"
"Asriel? Heh." Chara muttered. A tear ran down her cheek. "He's dead. I saw him die." Chara's eyes were dull. "Where'd you even learn that name?" "C-Chara please... you gave me back my memories. I remember saving him." I begged her.

"No. I s-" "C-Chara?" Asriel asked. "Please.. believe her. Its true. Im n-not Flowey. Its me ok?" Tears fell. " I saw you d-dead..." Chara was holding back the tears. "If you were Asriel you'd have told me, right?" "Chara.. im sorry for lying... im so sorry..." The Flower had lost some petals. Chara dropped her knife. "A-Asriel?" Chara whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I dont know Chara... I don't know."

I felt like I was watching some TV show or something. It just seemed so dramatic. Chara went over to the buttercup and hugged it. " No more lies ok?" "Ok." I cleared my throat and the looked at me. "Umm... this is amazing and all but..."I looked over to my right where the reset button should be. "How are we gonna fix this mess?"

"Oh." Chara stood up and scratched the back of her head. "About that... I kinda broke it since I thought ya know.. everything that I was doing was right.... heh.." She gave a half hearted smile. "Sorry..." I sighed. "I know someone who can fix it bbut it might take a while." Asriel looked at me. "Who?" "Well... lets just say he's a scientist." I kinda was hoping they'd guess but Chara still was dumbfounded. "I never knew any male scientists." Asriel looked at her. "It's GaStEr you butt!!" "Oh. Him."

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