Chapter 17

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Papyrus had gone to the bathroom. Paps agreed to stay and help us revive Undyne but, even with his help... she's gonna be a pain. I sighed. "Something up Frisk?" "It's just... GAH! Undyne's gonna be such a pain i know it! Shes always been so negative towards humans. I just.. i guess im just worried it wont work..." "BUT HUMAN! SHE WAS THE ONLY OTHER THAT I SAW WATCHING AFTER SHE DIED.!" "Sh*t." Chara muttered. I started to shake. "shes. gonna. kill. us." "NONSENSE HUMANS! IM SURE SHE'LL UNDERSTAND!" "Papy... no. She might understand but. WE'RE. DEAD. MEAT. I know you Undyne." I looked at my feet. "Please. Make it painless." "This. Will not be fun." "It wIlL bE fUn To WaTcH." I jumped. "Gaster! You scared me!" "I aPoLoGiZe. bUt, sHoUlDn'T yOu GeT iT oVer WiTh?" "Yeah, you should get it over with Frisk. I'll be outside not dying." Chara started heading out of the room. I grabbed her sleeve. "Nope you're coming down with me!" Taking her hand i pushed it.


"D*mnit! Why'd you pull me into this mess!" "Hey, you caused it remember?" Chara looked paranoid. "D*mn. You're right." Green? The soul. It was green. Dust. Light. Undyne. Sh*t.
Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. SH*T. She didn't look pissed though. She looked and us started to walk forward. "Hey punks. You two gotta save? If not, get one." I swallowed and nodded. Undyne pulled out her spear.


√ ×

Undyne stood in front of us. "Now that that's settled." She gave us both nuggies (if you don't know what that is its when someone rubs their fist on your head.) She turned to Papyrus. "You missed a lesson." Undyne looked at us. "Sorry but he's coming with me." "Okay." And Chara's not stunned by this. Great. I'm the only one that's confused. "S-Sure." I manage to spit out.

Okay. That coulda been better but, my hands asleep and kept hitting the wrong letters. :I

inSANSity~Sans X FriskNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ