Chapter 23

593 21 20

967 Words. :3 death by life. Idk


Sans was still gripping my hand as we walked over to the button. "K, Frisk the only one left is Asgore. I wonder how much of a pain he'll be?"

"I dunno but knowing him, he'll try to kill us at least." I let out a soft gasp, to soft to hear, as Sans grip got tighter. My face was getting hot.

"Hello? Frisk? You there?" Chara was looking at me questioningly.

"Huh? Oh right." I stepped forward to press the button. My hand felt numb but I wouldn't let go.

* Click *




Asgore. He looked straight at us and fear pulsed through him. I tipped my head and stared back. What is he.... really? I'd turned my head to see a Gaster Blaster on either side of Chara, Sans and me. I looked at Sans with a puzzled face. "Bruh."

"S-sorry... " Sans looked away, ashamed. Sh*t.

"I appreciate the help, Sans. But no one is gonna be harmed here, K?"


Asgore gripped his staff. Uh oh. He's not gonna be an easy one. "Child, er, Frisk. Step away. Now." He glared at Chara. "I would like to.... speak with Chara, ALONE."

"N-" Sans started to pull me away. "SANS! No!"

"Kiddo, this is somthing that... we aren't gonna interfere with. Got it?"

"But....." Tears fell.

"Kid." Sans looked me strait in the eyes. My heart sped. "It's a family thing. Right?" He looked at Asgore and he nodded.

"O-oh." We walked into a separate room.

"Sans.... even if it's a family thing.... we shouldn't have left. We can't trust leaving them alone after-" Sans cut me off.

"Hey, he's a reasonable guy. I'm sure he wo-" There was a screech,

"DAD!!!!! DO-" It ended sharply.

"NOOO!!!!!!!!!" I ran out of the room and bolted to Chara. Her life was draining away.

"No no no no no no no no no no no!" I glared at Asgore. "YOU IDIOT!!!!!" He took a step back. "IT'LL START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! SHE WAS YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!! HOW COULD YOU???????"

"F-Frisk....." I looked at my dying friend. "I..." Her eyes closed.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I was screaming into the cold body.

"FRISK??" Sans was standing behind me. "What hap-" I turned revealing Chara's corpse. "No..." He hugged me. "I'm. So. Sorry. Frisk." I cried onto him.

"I don't get it." Asgore was crying himself. "It's over what do you mean i-it'll start again?" I lifted my head from Sans's chest.

"How could you." I stood. "She was your daughter." I shuffed toward him and he took a step back. I neared him and stopped. "Asgore... you've killed us. You're terrible." I turned and ran out of the room with Sans following behind.

I realized I had run to the bench. (If ur into secrets in games then u should know) I sat down and covered my eyes. How could he?? How could he do that to his own child??"

"Frisk??" Sans ran at me. I looked up. "Kid, why..?"

"He's doomed us. All of us."

"H-how?" Sans sat down next to me.

"Chara can't remember anything after she dies from the previous reset anymore. She'll only want vengeance for her brother. And he's..... long gone."

"What do you mean he's gone I thought.." Sans was extremely confused.

"He left. He excepted that he was gone."

"B-but... didn't she come back with you after Undyne?" I stared into his eye sockets.

"She can't reach her save without me. She's lost her determination cause there's no more need for vengance anymore..." I looked at him, tears pouring from my eyes. "Chara's gone. And when she comes back... it'll happen all over again... like... nothing good happened."

Sans hugged me tightly."Whatever happens... i promise that we'll get her back, okay?"


"Now, do you want me to explain this to Asgore or... do you want to tell him? Cause he's gotta know."

"you. I won't be able to even look at him for a while."

"Okay buddy. Come on, lets go back to snowdin." Sans pulled me out of the seat. The whole time we walked back me and Sans were holding hands. I blush and he noticed. "What's with the red on your face?"

"N-nothing... probly j-just the cold." I looked at my boots that were crunching the snow.

"Well then," He took of his jacket. "Here, I don't actually need it sooo..." Sans draped it over my shoulders.

"T-thanks..." My face was burning. We arrived at his house. Sans opened the door.

"Ladies first," i pushed him into the house.

"Well then, why you waiting for me?" Please understand teh joke!! He laughed.

"Come on bucko! That be my job!" Sans grabbed my hand again and pulled me in... then started tickling me. "Pay the price!!" He had a huge grin on his face. I fell to the floor and he followed. Like every cliche, Paps returned home right then and opened the door to see his brother on top of Frisk.

"KAY, IMA GO NOW!!" Papyrus turned and started to walk away. Sans and i just burst out laughing.

"P-Paps!!" I managed to mumble. "H-he was j-just tickling me!!" He seemed to understand.


"O-Ok Paps." Sans was still giggling. I don't know what we found funny but... oh well!!"

I'm sooo sorry that took forever but i was trying to figure out a way fur chara to go back to being a b*tch so there'd be some conflic. (Can't spell.) Anyways!! Hope you guys liked it!!!

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