Chapter 15

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I am sooo sorry guys! I know ive kinda been slacking on the length of chapters and ive started to update less. But! After this weekend it should start to speed up!( i hate school it makes me do work and it slows posting :/ )

Chara's POV

"cHiLdREn. CaN wE Go NoW?" Gaster seemed kinda impacente. "Oh! Sorry Gaster!" Frisk let go and started bouncing up and down like an excited 3-year-old. "Yeah. Sorry for making you wait." He seems like he.. really wants to do this. Well, he is a scientist. I guess he just wants to see if it works. As we started to walk in my heart was going 5 miles an hour.

Frisk POV

Chara's breathing quickened as we entered. Her eyes were glazed in fear. "Hey, no hyperventilating mk?" "O-Okay. I'll try." She let out a weak giggle. "KiDs WhOs FiRsT?" Gaster asked. Me and Chara looked at him blankly. "Mom" We both had our minds set on telling her first. She would be the most understanding right? "WelL FriSk, yOU cAn PreSs iT." I shivered. It felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.

* Click *

It'd been pressed.

A purple light filled the room. I realized that it was Toriels soul. Dust from a jar that Gaster had started swirling aroung the soul. There was a flash then... Toriel. She looked aroung the room then saw me, holding hands with Chara. Her eyes widened as she saw Chara. "M-My child..." Toriel jolted back as the memories came back. I could feel anger, hurt, and betrayal pulse through my adoptive goat mother. "Mom. Its not like that anymore." I tried to sound calm but i could tell my voice was shaking. Tears welled up in Toriels eyes. "You've changed then Frisk." Those words hit me like one of Chara's knives. "Mom." Chara started to shake again. "It's okay to hate me. But, don't hate Frisk for understanding. Ok?" Toriel gave a fake smile. "So, my child slaughtering everyone's ok? Then so many things have changed." I was all ready starting to tear up. How am i gonna get through all of them? "P-Please.. Mo--" "I AM NOT A MOTHER OF A MURDERER!!!" Toriel glared at me, eyes full of tears. "Well Frisk, maybe... it wasn't such a good idea to revive her first." She looked at Tori. "Honestly i thought we should've went with Papyrus. He would've actually listened." Chara glanced at me. "Don't you think? I mean he didn't give up on us." Toriel looked confused. "I will listen to you. But, you'll have to explain everything. No cliff-hangers ether."

TIMESKIP TO END OF EXPLANATION. (Cause it'll get boring)

Toriels face was covered in tears. "B-But why did you want
r-revenge?" "I wanted it for my brother. I watched him die in front of me as a spirit. And i watched everyone overlook him as a flower." "But w-when we tried to talk to him he
h-hated us." Tori was still confused. "He didn't understand because he couldn't feel anything BUT hatred. Asriel had no soul." I calmly explained. She seemed to understand now. "OH MY CHILDREN!!!!!! IM SO SORRY" Toriel threw herself at us practically crushing us in a hug. "Ahhggg.." Me and Chara screamed as we were attacked. "ow." "Mom! You lump! Get off!!" Chara was flailing under the hug. Tori got off. "Im so sorry my children. I should've never made accusations." "It's okay mom."

Im sooo sorry it took sooo long! Family kept interrupting and wattpad was bugging out

inSANSity~Sans X FriskWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt